Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The Goal

      Lifelong love of water leads to discovery.  Learning and perfecting God given talent.  Diligently practicing competitive strokes and racing dives.  
     Passion fueling the dedication.  Endless laps and countless competitions increase the burning desire for the taste of the ultimate pinnacle: Olympic gold.


  1. Practice shall sure help get one there

    1. Pat, it sure can't hurt! Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments! ♥

  2. You really have to want it though. I never understood that drive at all. It's not in me. lol When I first took swimming lessons the instructor told my parents I had the makings of an Olympic swimmer. They were so excited they enrolled me in winter lessons at an indoor pool at a hotel. I didn't want to do it one bit so I stubbornly refused to learn how to dive. I figured if I can't dive, they can't force me to compete. My strategy worked. lol

    1. JoJo, I have seen parents who are so into making their kid the next super star they literally force activities down their throats. I have always felt it should be my kids idea if they want to do something. If it is, they will want it and stick with it. I can't make anyone want to something so I don't try. My son has joined the swim team in the novice group which basically teaches him the skills he needs to advance into swim team if he so desires. It is exciting to see him so excited and passionate about something and to see him excel at something he clearly loves. Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments! ♥

  3. The personal sacrifices necessary to aim for the Olympics have always floored me. I'm glad I was called to write, not swim. Lol!
    Blessings, Kathy!

    1. Martha, I am not sure I have been "called" to do anything. Not sure what God's purpose is for me, but as long as I am still here living and breathing He must have some sort of plan for me if nothing else than to make sure my children grow up and become successful adults and in life with a strong faith and the knowledge of right and wrong. Thanks so much for stopping by to read and for your sweet comments! ♥

  4. I like your take on this--different and hopeful!

    1. Jennifer, I am so pleased you liked it! Most of the time the whole battle is coming up with an idea..then the mad editing but I am learning. Thank you for stopping by to read and for your encouraging words! ♥

  5. Well said... passion and perseverance are the keys to reach the goal!

    1. Shilpa, I am so pleased that you liked it! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  6. True. Passion, perseverance and practice... towards your goal. Rightly said. This works even for outside Olympics.

    1. Chicky, it sure does in just about everything! Thanks so much for stopping by to read and for your sweet comments! ♥

  7. Good one and well written Kathy!

    1. Parul, I am so pleased you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  8. May she reach the goal and let it never be said that she didn't try :)

    1. Shailaja, I am pleased you liked it! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  9. Ok, as I read this I kept hearing.. just keep swimming, just keep swimming. Swimming, swimming. Just keep swimming.... great piece.

    1. R. Todd, HA HA HA now I can't get it out of my head...just keep swimming, just keep swimming. I am so pleased you enjoyed it! In my case...just keep writing, just keep writing...You crack me up. Thanks for stopping by to read and for your lovely comments! ♥

  10. Nice take on the prompt!

    1. Meg, I am so pleased you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  11. fab take on the prompt!

    I missed your stories :D

    1. pixie, awe!! Well I am still writing...about once a week or so...but I am still writing. Thanks so much for stopping by to read and to show me a bit of love! ♥

  12. Replies
    1. Sakshi, I am so pleased you liked it! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  13. To reach for such a goal requires dedication. I kind of wish there was something I wanted that much in my life :)

    1. Jannatwrites, me too! Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comments! Always lovely to see you here. ♥
