Summer flew by way to fast. My summer ended August 12, when my kids
started back to school. I don’t think
there was a soul in my house that didn’t dread the start of the school year. I dreaded it because I didn’t want to deal
with the concept that my oldest took her place as a freshman in high school or
that my youngest is in his last year at the elementary school. Where
did my little girl and baby boy go? They
are growing up, and I am getting older.
We all dreaded the reappearance of
alarm clocks and their persistent ringing at the butt crack of dawn. 5:30 in the morning should be celebrated deep
within warm covers in dreamland, NOT by getting dressed, packing lunches, and
forcing sleepy kids onto buses. Still
here we are with three weeks of school already under our belts as of tomorrow
and ass deep in homework and school activities. Such is life.
With the kids back to school, I have
my days free to write and do what I want to do.
Time to crank those tunes and perfect my dance moves. Watch me whip,
watch me neigh-neigh! Time to write,
which is where this whole NaBloPoMo madness comes in. I plead insanity, and I may live to regret
this spur of the moment decision. Or I
might remember that I like to write. HA!
I do, but I admit, that I am not as gung-ho for it as some of my
peers. I don’t aspire to write a book,
just to write better. Good luck with
that one!
With that said, you my dear readers
will see me posting more this month. I
will be writing my heart out taking on the NaBloPoMochallenges, but still
trying my hand at my usual haunts like the Yeah Write Micro Story grid and
Haiku Horizons. Maybe even some other
writing challenges that spark my fancy.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy. It’s
going to be a wild ride!
That sounds good! Motivated writing is fun. Having to write, not so much. The thing about these challenges is that you can come and go as often as you like, but being driven to accept the challenge pulls some people right in. I think you're one of those! Go get 'em girlie!
Jo, I will do my best! I may very well be in over my head. Thanks so much for stopping by to read and give your encouragement and vote of confidence! ♥
We have a freshman and a senior this year. Definitely makes us feel old! I will admit that I like this song. I've enjoyed all the many versions of people dancing to this on Youtube! Good luck and enjoy your writing time.
holli, even if I didn't have a teenager in the house this song would have eventually ended up on my radar. I have this habit of visiting Billboard's hot 100 chart to see what's hot each week and to see if I like it. If I do, the song gets added to my playlist on spotify. Thank you so much for stopping by to read, your kind comments, and your words of encouragement! ♥
Pat, very true, and honestly I don't miss being ass deep in homework either. Although there are days when I feel a bit ass deep in blogging. HA Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
Shilpa, well it is a plan. I am still a bit unsure of the sanity of it but I am going to give it a go. Thanks for stopping by to read, your comments, and especially for your words of encouragement! ♥
Debbie, some days it is a piece of hell you can't even imagine and some days once those kids are out the door, I head back to bed until at least noon!! A girls got to do what a girls got to do! Thanks for stopping by, for your comments, and for that healthy dose of luck. I'm going to need it. Not sure if I have that many words in my head! ♥
Oh man... I totally agree on that 5.30 statement. It is a time to be asleep, not struggling to pack off kids to school :) Looking forward to more posts in the coming month... hopefully, I will be able to keep up with 30 posts of my own!
Roshan, yes! Sleep would be pure bliss right about now. I may have to succumb for a few hours and get up at a more doable time, like noon! LOL Thanks for stopping by and for your encouraging comments! ♥
Much love and good luck to you as you take on the challenge, Kathy :) I have been up at 4.45 ever since June this year and I can tell you, it's no fun. Sigh. When did life get so complicated?
Shailaja, I don't know. The only true upside of this whole thing is once they are off to school I can jump right back into bed and sleep till a more respectable noon. :) Actually noon sounds doable! Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
Yay! I think we should all kick it old school and get back to our blogging roots! - I have to agree, and everyone is saying it, this summer did go by way too fast, and shallow bitch that I am, as soon as I got my tan I was done with the heat! - I know what you mean about how fast your babies grow up.. I still can't believe I'm a grandma! That being said, I don't miss those lunch packin', alarm clock setting, million dollar school supplies, days, at all.. I only like the sales on all the school crap so I can stock up on my pens, notebooks and index cards. Lol
Mimi, I have to agree although I think there will come a day when I will look back at this time in my life and actually miss all the hustle and bustle that goes with it! Thanks so much for stopping by to read and for your sweet comments! ♥
Schools are reopening here this week. But since lunch is provided by the school and the class starts only at 8.50am, we don't have to get up at 5.30. All the best for the blogging challenge, Kathy. :)
Vinitha, my kids schools also offer a hot lunch, which my kids refuse to eat and end up throwing out. I have found that my kids actually eat their lunches when I pack them. So it is worth it. Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
Oh that getting up early is the pits. I am now conditioned to wake about 6 am. But Sunday morning, I love the feel of not rushing. I take care of family members so I don't know if I will ever know what retirement feels like. However, I do plan to cut some time out to write.
We have one more week until school starts for my, my...sophomore! Yikes! (Still trying to accept that we dropped the oldest off at college two weeks ago) SOOOOOO not looking forward to alarm clocks again! (or getting up in the dark) Good luck with your adventure this month!
Kathy, one thing is absolutely guaranteed with you... It will be fun to read your posts! Oh yeah, back to school... Sigh! Hugs and exercise that writing muscle real good!
Vidya, well that is encouraging!! I am thinking of just writing for the sake of writing this month instead of fretting over fiction. Maybe just having a bit of fun with it. Thanks so much for the encouragement Vidya, for stopping by and for your lovely comments! ♥
Rachna, I do too. Some days, like yesterday, I am able to get a lot done. Then there are days like today, when I am still recovering from exhausting myself the day before. LOL Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
HI Kathy - oh how I remember those school mornings made so much harder after a long holiday. But you seem to be managing well and the upside is - time to write :) Glad we're both doing the NaBloPoMo september 2015 challenge together.
September seems full of challenges and work for you.. I enjoyed reading the first part of this post when it started where you were talking about your kids and you getting old.. Age is just a number, one should be young at heart.. at least that is what I feel.. and you seem super young at your heart :)
We start school tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to the schedules or the stress, but I am looking forward to being able to write more! Good luck with your blogging--can't wait to read more.
I enjoyed our chat this morning. And it must be such a mixture of joy at how well the kids are doing and a little sadness to see them growing up so fast. So glad to see you back to regular blogging again, Kathy!
Corinne, it is. They are both great kids. I couldn't ask for better. It is just they are growing up so fast and with that revelation I realize I am getting older. It is a little bit of a shock to the system to be back writing daily but so far so good. Thanks for stopping by and for the words of encouragement! ♥
Crystal, I can't imagine college. I will freak when my oldest goes to college! It sure does, way too fast! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
Parul, I am so pleased you enjoyed it. 5:30 is a god awful hour, I can testify to that. I shall never get used to it! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments!
That sounds good! Motivated writing is fun. Having to write, not so much. The thing about these challenges is that you can come and go as often as you like, but being driven to accept the challenge pulls some people right in. I think you're one of those! Go get 'em girlie!
ReplyDeleteJo, I will do my best! I may very well be in over my head. Thanks so much for stopping by to read and give your encouragement and vote of confidence! ♥
DeleteWe have a freshman and a senior this year. Definitely makes us feel old! I will admit that I like this song. I've enjoyed all the many versions of people dancing to this on Youtube! Good luck and enjoy your writing time.
ReplyDeleteholli, even if I didn't have a teenager in the house this song would have eventually ended up on my radar. I have this habit of visiting Billboard's hot 100 chart to see what's hot each week and to see if I like it. If I do, the song gets added to my playlist on spotify. Thank you so much for stopping by to read, your kind comments, and your words of encouragement! ♥
DeleteA good way to get tons of writing in indeed. Don't miss the days of being ass deep in homework haha
ReplyDeletePat, very true, and honestly I don't miss being ass deep in homework either. Although there are days when I feel a bit ass deep in blogging. HA Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteSounds like a great plan, Kathy! Looking forward to read you as you write amazing haikus and stories every day of September! Good luck and cheers ♥
ReplyDeleteShilpa, well it is a plan. I am still a bit unsure of the sanity of it but I am going to give it a go. Thanks for stopping by to read, your comments, and especially for your words of encouragement! ♥
DeleteGetting up at 5:30 must be hell, but I bet you enjoy the time to yourself, too. ☺ Good luck with the writing challenges!
ReplyDeleteDebbie, some days it is a piece of hell you can't even imagine and some days once those kids are out the door, I head back to bed until at least noon!! A girls got to do what a girls got to do! Thanks for stopping by, for your comments, and for that healthy dose of luck. I'm going to need it. Not sure if I have that many words in my head! ♥
DeleteOh man... I totally agree on that 5.30 statement. It is a time to be asleep, not struggling to pack off kids to school :)
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to more posts in the coming month... hopefully, I will be able to keep up with 30 posts of my own!
Roshan, yes! Sleep would be pure bliss right about now. I may have to succumb for a few hours and get up at a more doable time, like noon! LOL Thanks for stopping by and for your encouraging comments! ♥
DeleteMuch love and good luck to you as you take on the challenge, Kathy :) I have been up at 4.45 ever since June this year and I can tell you, it's no fun. Sigh. When did life get so complicated?
ReplyDeleteShailaja, I don't know. The only true upside of this whole thing is once they are off to school I can jump right back into bed and sleep till a more respectable noon. :) Actually noon sounds doable! Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteYay! I think we should all kick it old school and get back to our blogging roots! - I have to agree, and everyone is saying it, this summer did go by way too fast, and shallow bitch that I am, as soon as I got my tan I was done with the heat! - I know what you mean about how fast your babies grow up.. I still can't believe I'm a grandma! That being said, I don't miss those lunch packin', alarm clock setting, million dollar school supplies, days, at all.. I only like the sales on all the school crap so I can stock up on my pens, notebooks and index cards. Lol
ReplyDeleteMimi, I have to agree although I think there will come a day when I will look back at this time in my life and actually miss all the hustle and bustle that goes with it! Thanks so much for stopping by to read and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteTime really does fly by, doesn't it?! All the best with your writing goals in September.
ReplyDeleteLaurel, thank you so much for the good luck wishes, for stopping by, and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteSchools are reopening here this week. But since lunch is provided by the school and the class starts only at 8.50am, we don't have to get up at 5.30. All the best for the blogging challenge, Kathy. :)
ReplyDeleteVinitha, my kids schools also offer a hot lunch, which my kids refuse to eat and end up throwing out. I have found that my kids actually eat their lunches when I pack them. So it is worth it. Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteOh that getting up early is the pits. I am now conditioned to wake about 6 am. But Sunday morning, I love the feel of not rushing. I take care of family members so I don't know if I will ever know what retirement feels like. However, I do plan to cut some time out to write.
ReplyDeleteAnn, I live for the days I can sleep in! Thanks so much for stopping by to read and for your sweet comments! ♥
Delete5:30 is an evil time to have to get up. I didn't even get up that early when I used to work full time.
ReplyDeleteJoJo, it sure is! Thanks so much for stopping by to read and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteWe have one more week until school starts for my, my...sophomore! Yikes! (Still trying to accept that we dropped the oldest off at college two weeks ago) SOOOOOO not looking forward to alarm clocks again! (or getting up in the dark) Good luck with your adventure this month!
ReplyDeleteAndrea, it is a mind blower isn't it? They grow up so fast! Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteKathy, one thing is absolutely guaranteed with you... It will be fun to read your posts! Oh yeah, back to school... Sigh! Hugs and exercise that writing muscle real good!
ReplyDeleteVidya, well that is encouraging!! I am thinking of just writing for the sake of writing this month instead of fretting over fiction. Maybe just having a bit of fun with it. Thanks so much for the encouragement Vidya, for stopping by and for your lovely comments! ♥
Delete5.30 that is awfully early. I actually like the time I get when the kids are off to school. Since I work from home, I cherish the peace.
ReplyDeleteRachna, I do too. Some days, like yesterday, I am able to get a lot done. Then there are days like today, when I am still recovering from exhausting myself the day before. LOL Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteHI Kathy - oh how I remember those school mornings made so much harder after a long holiday. But you seem to be managing well and the upside is - time to write :) Glad we're both doing the NaBloPoMo september 2015 challenge together.
ReplyDeleteKalpanaa, and that is an upside! Thanks for stopping by and for your cheerful comments!♥
DeleteSeptember seems full of challenges and work for you.. I enjoyed reading the first part of this post when it started where you were talking about your kids and you getting old.. Age is just a number, one should be young at heart.. at least that is what I feel.. and you seem super young at your heart :)
Geets, yes, I very rarely act my age!! LOL Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteMotivated writing. Sounds fun. I look forward to reading your posts, Kathy. :)
ReplyDeleteSid, hopefully I will give you something worth reading! Thanks for stopping by and for your encouraging comments! ♥
DeleteWe start school tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to the schedules or the stress, but I am looking forward to being able to write more! Good luck with your blogging--can't wait to read more.
ReplyDeleteJennifer, it definitely has its up sides. Thanks for stopping by to read and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteI enjoyed our chat this morning. And it must be such a mixture of joy at how well the kids are doing and a little sadness to see them growing up so fast.
ReplyDeleteSo glad to see you back to regular blogging again, Kathy!
Corinne, it is. They are both great kids. I couldn't ask for better. It is just they are growing up so fast and with that revelation I realize I am getting older. It is a little bit of a shock to the system to be back writing daily but so far so good. Thanks for stopping by and for the words of encouragement! ♥
DeleteI like your writing style! Have fun dancing!
ReplyDeleteChristie, I am so pleased you liked my post! Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteSweet! We were dreading school too. My oldest started COLLEGE. Eek! How does that happen? Life just comes at us too quickly, eh?
ReplyDeleteCrystal, I can't imagine college. I will freak when my oldest goes to college! It sure does, way too fast! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteThat's great! Writing and time for yourself. 5:30 am freaks me out a bit though :)
ReplyDeleteParul, I am so pleased you enjoyed it. 5:30 is a god awful hour, I can testify to that. I shall never get used to it! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments!