This post was written for the Write Tribe writing prompt using the following quote from Winnie the Pooh.
“Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart!”
When I think back over the things that meant the most to me and filled my heart to the brim, I realize that it was the littlest things that I cherished the most and had the biggest impact.
This last May was one of the roughest for us financially in recent history. May is always hard, but this one seemed especially so. We had one week with no pay at all, which happened to fall the week of my birthday, one week with very little, one week that was Okay, and one big week. I am proud to say we survived and have been playing catch up ever since.
My kids showered me with hugs and kisses. We went for a walk and along the way they gathered wish flowers and presented me with a huge bouquet which I took great delight in blowing and making wishes as we walked. They drew me pictures and made me birthday cards. That night I was amazed how many people on Face Book wished me Happy Birthday. It touched my heart. Does it take so much to smile at a stranger or offer a kind word? Not really, and those little things can make all the difference in the world.