Occasionally I am called to help out at the school where my children attend as a cafeteria sub. If someone needs time off, then I am called. I go willingly. Working around children you begin to observe things. Over the different times I have worked at the school I have occasionally noticed one of the kids being intentionally mean to another. They tease. They torment. They bully. The victim is left angry and crying while their tormentors laugh and continue their taunts and teasing. I have seen my co-workers ignore this behavior and literally walk the other way. They refuse to get involved.

I have found that I simply can’t walk away. I can’t leave it alone. I can’t simply allow the bullies to win. Instead I march right over there and put a stop to it…always. My co-workers generally look on in amazement. I have been the teased, tormented victim and I know what that feels like. Every single child deserves an education, deserves to be happy, and not ridiculed for things they can do nothing about. In my humble opinion everyone is a child of God and deserves compassion. So when I see a little kid growing angry crying frustrated tears as their tormentor teases and taunts I step right in and put a stop to it whether it is my place or not. The other day I marched right over to the bully and asked him if he would like to have lunch with the principal and explain to him why exactly he couldn’t seem to stop tormenting another even when asked repeatedly to stop and why he couldn’t simply turn around and eat his lunch. He looked at me in horror and assured me that he didn’t want to go to the principal or explain his behavior. I told him to turn around and eat. If he so much as looked cross eyed at that kid again I would march him right to the principal’s office. Then I comforted the upset child. I told him to dry his eyes and to never let the other kids see his tears because that would make the teasing worse. If he didn't react it wouldn't be fun for his tormentors any more. His tears were wasted on the likes of people like that. They simply were not worth it! I hugged him and in doing so remembered all the times when I was little when I would have given anything for someone, anyone to care enough to put a stop to the abuse and be my advocate.

I have dried more than one tear in the line of duty and in doing so earned the trust and the devotion of another new little friend. It amazes me constantly how far a smile will go, what a little compassion will do, and how much difference a bit of kindness makes. I simply don’t understand why people have to be so cruel, and why everyone just can’t be happy and get along. Believe me, seeing a child’s face light up when they see me and the warm hugs I receive are all the reward I will ever need. Spread a little love instead of indifference.
ReplyDeleteJo, I am so pleased you liked it! Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments! ♥
DeleteWhat a wonderful post. I cannot leave bullies alone either, I have to step in. It shouldn't hurt to go to school.
ReplyDeleteAngel, I agree. Since everyone has to go, everyone should learn to get along. Of course I am a person where everyone has to be happy. Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments! ♥
DeleteBullies deserve to be shot down indeed, great thing to do at your feed
ReplyDeletePat, I agree. I wish someone would have done so when I was little. It would have probably made a difference how I turned out in the long run. Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments! ♥
DeleteTrue, children need to learn to be compassionate and show care towards their classmates. You are doing great job in putting and end to.it.
ReplyDeleteRajlakshmi, I do the best I can while I am there and on the most part enjoy the job. Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments! ♥
DeleteLovely Message Kathy, spreading love and not indifference... Kudos to you for putting back smiles on the deserving faces :) After all smile spreads smiles and priceless joy, Keep smiling :)
ReplyDeleteReshma, I am so pleased you enjoyed my post. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteSpread the love Kathy. A pat on the back for stepping in. Kids these days are often mean...must be a lot to do with their parents.
ReplyDeleteiwrotethose.com, I try too. I think you are correct. Kids aren't born bullies. They learn from those behaviors from the people around them. If the kid is a nightmare from hell chances are the parents are too. They learn it from somewhere. There is a reason they behave the way they do. Maybe they act out because life is a misery at home and they are truly unhappy about it. Whatever the reason, I do my best. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteWell done Kathy. I too was bullied in school and would've been so happy to have someone like you around. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteSuzy, I am so pleased you enjoyed my post and think I was right to step in. It amazes me that no one else rushed to do so. They turned their backs, rolled their eyes, and ignored. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteWell done Kathy...So true what you said...Why do people, children or adults, have to be mean? Can't we just live and let live...And yes sometimes only a word of kindness and understanding is enough and a hug is even better... So glad that the child had you for comfort! Wonderful post
ReplyDeleteNabanita, I am so pleased you enjoyed my post. Why indeed? It reminds me of that bracelet a lot of people wear. WWJD What would Jesus do? I think He would show compassion, kindness, and offer a hug as I did. He would smile and comfort. I do it without even thinking. I guess it is just part of my make up as a person. Many times the kids raise their hands and ask for help opening ketchup packets or whatever. Isn't it better to greet each with a smile and help, then bark "What do you want??" Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteI've been a victim too and know what it's like!! Kudos to you for standing up for what's right.
ReplyDeleteMichelle, so pleased you enjoyed my post. I was unsure what to write for this prompt and then this piece just kind of happened. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteThis is so touching. It's not always easy to stand up to a bully, and it's rarely done. You handled the situation nicely.
ReplyDeleteMichelle, it is a lot easier when you are an adult and facing off against a 3rd grader. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteSo nice...and touching, Kathy. Indeed, children deserve to be able to discover their hidden talents and bullying is just the worst form of evil in children. You're doing a superb job, Kathy <3
ReplyDeletemyraidrainbowhues, I think you are right. Kids can be so mean. Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments! ♥
DeleteIt's very kind of you to do so, Kathy. This is love for me. Happy Belated Valentine Day:)
vishalbheeroo, me too!! Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥ Happy Valentines to you!
DeleteKids spend a lot of time in school. A few days back my cousin's son was bullied to an extent that he came back from school with a bleeding nose and hair line fracture. Teachers ignored! That's a great post! So glad, you stood up against bullying.
ReplyDeletepayal, that is awful but I see it happen all too often. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteUnfortunately, the people who bully others as children or teens continue to bully and abuse others in adulthood. :( When I taught, I saw plenty of bullying. Like you, I always stepped in. Can't stand seeing it!
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Kathy!
Martha, I bet you did see a lot. I don't like seeing it either and if I can do something to put a stop to it, I will. I also try to arm the victim with the advice about how to handle such teasing. I feel bad for those kids and remember so vividly what it was like to be one of them. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteThat's so great that you intervene. I didn't see anything like that at the schools when I worked as a caf sub (a job I had to quit b/c it screwed up my state health insurance). I definitely would not have intervened like you did b/c I don't think that would be my place, plus I don't have kids so I have no idea how to deal w/ that stuff, unless I saw the caf workers throw out someone's lunch b/c they were behind on their money.
ReplyDeleteJoJo, I think that is wrong that they threw out a kids food like that! I don't work that often, just when they need me. I am supposed to work Tues, Wed, and Thurs of this coming week and maybe Friday. The money is nice but it makes getting posts out daily and making my rounds a nightmare because honestly there just aren't enough hours in the day. It made me so mad seeing it going on that really I didn't stop to think about it, I just acted. My co-worker looked at me like she didn't know what to think. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteA truly wonderful post.Spread a little love instead of indifference - lovely message.
ReplyDeletesulekkha, exactly! The world would be such a much nicer place if everyone would just show a bit of kindness and compassion and get along. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteGreat post Kathy. You have such a wonderful smile. (Your Gravata says it all) It's enough to light up even the sadest person.How can someone sulk after seeing it?
ReplyDeletegeeta, thank you so much!! I do tend to light the place up with my big smiley face and my giggles. Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments! ♥
DeleteThis is wonderful - good for you for not turning the other way. I hope the bully was shamed into not repeating the behavior.
ReplyDeleteI was constantly picked on all through elementary school (it was a little better in junior high and high school.) I cried a lot but never at school. I'm so stubborn, I refused to let them see me cry. It didn't seem to put a damper on their fun, though :)
jannatwrites, it took me a long time to get a hold of my emotions and not let them see me cry. So far I have seen no repeat behavior on his part. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteYou are a rockstar, Kathy!! It is so wonderful that you are doing your bit to comfort and guide! Kudos to you! And all the best for this contest :) ♥
ReplyDeleteShilpa, thank you for the good vibes. I was unsure what to write for this one, so I made this work. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥
DeleteJust to let you know that I was here - over a year late - but I'm reviewing the entries to make sure the results of this contest are announced finally. My apologies for the inordinate delay. Keep writing!