Falling to Sleep
Written for the NaBloPoMo prompt "How long does it take you to fall asleep at night?"
I fall asleep moments
after hitting my pillow. I say my
prayers and I am off to la-la land. When
my kids were small I would be wide awake instantly after hearing them
stir. A mouse could fart in the next
room and it would wake me up. These days
I wake up with the need to pee…NOW.
For some reason all the dogs love to
sleep beside me. I sleep on my side, so
I have one dog in a teddy bear hold, one lying snug against my back, one up
against my legs, and the last snuggled up by my feet. Snug as a bug in a rug, when the urge to pee
wakes me I roll over dogs, kicking them out of the way as I go, and race to the
bathroom in the dark of night with the hounds of hell barking all the way. Once the dogs are awake they think they
have to go too. So I stumble out to the
garage and let them out the back door.
By the time I have let them all out and back in, I am wide awake.
I am thirsty. I have to pee again. I can’t sleep, so I read. The book is good, so I read some more. If I am not in the mood to read, I will fire
up my laptop and check the obituaries to see if anyone I know died. It is always a bit of a relief to realize I
am still among the living. I check my email. I check my Face Book. I check the front page of the local
newspaper. I might even leave a comment
here or there. Another hour before the
alarm goes off, so I decide to pee again, and turn out the light and sleep. Once again sleep finds me almost instantly.
Buzz! Buzz! I bolt upright and turn off the alarm. On my way to pee, I turn on the light in my
daughter’s room and announce loudly “its morning!” The dogs, sensing movement are hot on my
heels biting at the bit to go out yet again.
I pee, and then let them out.
These days the cold wind wafts up my nightgown and says “Hello” to my
vagina and if I wasn’t awake before I am now.
Leaving the dogs to do their duty, I rush back to my cozy bed and dive
under the covers. Oh sweet heavenly
Once the kids are on the bus on
their way to school I am free to return to bed or get busy. Once again, it doesn’t take much and I am out
for the count. It wasn’t always this way
but lately I fall to sleep quickly without a care in the world and all worries
fleeing as I drift away.
Sleep, sleep my favorite winter time activity! Fun post and those dogs are just copying you. Bless their little furry hearts and yours! LOL
ReplyDeleteJo, tends to be mine too when it is so dark outside. Thank you for stopping by and for your kind commemts! ♥
DeleteI've never been one to fall asleep instantly. I envy those that can. My husband does - then he snores. We have to plan carefully if we're going to sleep in the same room, so that I can be asleep before him.
ReplyDeleteIt used to take me about two hours to get to sleep on any given night. These days it's not as bad. I learned that I had anxiety, so meds helped and I experienced falling asleep quickly for the first time.
Now if I could only just rest.
Penny, LOL my husband snores too but I don't have to deal with it that often because he is hardly ever home and when he is we stay so busy getting things done that I am exhausted and am out as soon as I hit the pillow. Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments.
DeleteI wish I could fall asleep that fast but I toss and turn for hours. Russell goes out immediately.
ReplyDeleteJoJo, my husband does too and it would take an act of God to wake him up once he is asleep! LOL Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments!
DeleteEarlier I could sleep as soon as I hit the bed, anytime, anywhere... but off late it is not happening smoothly. And I hate these pee breaks at night!
ReplyDeleteShilpa, isn't it weird how our sleep patterns change? I asked my doctor about this crazy urge to pee in the night and he uttered the word menopause in my presence. Gosh, didn't think I was old enough for that but he assured me I was. Lovely. LOL Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments! ♥
DeleteSince I've been back visiting with the kids and waiting for my Grand-Princess to arrive I can't sleep AT ALL! I went to bed at 6am this morning! And then I'm up at 10am for the whole day. It's crazy. I don't know if it's because I'm staying with my 20 yr. old son and his girlfriend and the music and video games go non-stop or if I'm just anxious to meet my grand-daughter. Whatever it is. I CAN'T SLEEP!
ReplyDeleteMiMi, I think you are nerved up and out of your element. The added extra noise isn't helping any. One of these days sleep will come and you will crash and sleep for days!! Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments! ♥
DeleteI can't sleep instantly, it takes more than just one hour before sleep can claim me :D. If I have taken a nap in the noon then there's no way I can sleep at night. I am a night owl. :D
ReplyDeleteShilpasharmaonline, I am basically a night owl too. I hibernate during the day so well now and fear my days and nights are truly mixed. Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments! ♥
DeleteSleep...oh how I love it, especially in morning...and at night these blogs keep me awake...
ReplyDeletesugandha, lately I love sleeping during the day. Seriously. The blogs always keep me awake too. I must write, I must comment. I am like the make the donut guy. Geez. Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments! ♥
Deletelol this was fun. especially the dog part and the checking of obituaries in the middle of the nigh. What do you have 4 dogs? Goodness, that's like 4 more kids! We have one dog and really they're like another child.
ReplyDeleteSandra, the peeing and the dogs is the story of my life! Yes I have 4 dogs. A Boston Terrier, a rat terrier, a min pin, and a chihuahua, and yes it is like having 4 more kids. LOL Thank you for stopping by. I am so pleased you enjoyed my post! ♥
DeleteI wish I could sleep the minute I lie down.Lately I can't , so easily. It takes time. Earlier I used to just doze off the moment I am even close to something vaguely like bed :p .Dunno what changed!
ReplyDeleteAnyways, a nice post as always Kathy!:)
Nikhil, not sure...maybe too many awesome stories dancing around in your head? Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments! ♥
DeleteNikhil, LOL!!!! ♥
DeleteThis is my favorite sleeping weather. I am one who normally hits the pillow and am out cold. It amazes my hubby who has to read to fall asleep. I need to get at at 4:30 am each weekday, so Sat and Sunday are my sleep days! I think it is my age, as now I pee and that only started recently..Pain! (gosh, things I share...)
ReplyDeleteWinnie, it must be an age thing because it seems the older we get the more we have to pee. LOL I love this chilly weather for burrowing down in millions of blankets and sleeping. Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments! ♥
DeleteThis is exactly what I do. Fall asleep easily, wake up at 3 a.m. to pee. NEVER go back to sleep. At least not until 4:30 or so. Makes me crazy.
ReplyDeleteTalya, well I am comforted that I am not the only one. Seems like there are a lot of us up at 3 am peeing and having the problem going back to sleep. There should be a group just for us 3 am pee-ers! Thank you for stopping by and for your comments! ♥
DeleteI too fall asleep quickly between dogs and wake up having to pee. The difference, my dogs go back to sleep without having to be let out even though I got up.
Joyce, I kind of wish my dogs were more like yours!! It would be a lot easier to just go back to sleep if I didn't have to let them out and back in. Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments!
Deletehahaha This was a fun post. Between peeing and letting dogs out Kathy sleeps :D :D
Richa, I am happy you enjoyed it! Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments! So pleased you got a giggle!
DeleteHaha, great post! I'm the same as Penny, I toss and turn for hours while my husband snores! Recently I've found Zyquil, which works great, but not a long term solution.. Now that the weather is getting colder I dread getting up even more!
ReplyDeleteKathleen, I have never tried Zyquil. I don't have to worry about the snoring business only about once a month for 4-5 days because my husband is on the road. I am so pleased you stopped by and enjoyed my post. Even happier you got a giggle out of it! ♥