Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Visitors

     There is no warning rattle at the door.  If there were, I would have escaped out the back.  I wouldn’t have boldly thrown the door open.  There were three of them, clutching bibles and Jesus tracts as if they were a lifeline.    The two men were dressed in three piece suits and the lady in her Sunday best.  All three were sweating profusely; after all it was 100 degrees in the shade easily.   

       All three plastered on concerned faces and fake smiles as the man clutching the biggest bible inquired if I had found Jesus.  I felt my eyes roll as the smart ass in me took over, silently asking the good Lord above for forgiveness.  Providence knows HE gets me, after all… HE is supposed to get everybody even these Bible beaters attempting to force religion down people’s throats door to door.  I forced an innocent smile on my face and feigned concern.

        “Honestly I didn’t know HE was lost!  Are you three the search party?”  I asked innocently.  They gaped at me and tried a different tactic.

         “Have you been saved dearie?” the woman asked.

         “Have you read His glorious word?” asked the second man who up until now had remained silent.

        I glanced over their shoulders to the gate they left opened.   I had painted the heart that welcomes all a bright fiery red just the weekend before.  A small bird sat perched watching the antics that were playing out on the porch.  I felt the love of God warming my heart and felt His gaze through this tiny creature.  My attention swiftly returned to my unwelcome guests and I felt a small wave of compassion.

      “I appreciate your interest in my salvation, but if you would please excuse me I need to prepare my sermon for Sunday.  Bless you all in your quest in finding Jesus.  I wish you all the best of luck.”   With that, I smiled at their astonished faces, and quietly took my leave closing the door gently behind me.


  1. Replies
    1. Ally, I am pleased you liked it! Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  2. I recall some of these showing up at the gate and Guys response to them that made me laugh!!
    The dogs were bouncing off the fence trying to get at them. Guy looked over at the faces of these big eyed people trying to talk over these dogs who wanted nothing more then a quick snack......
    Without Guy saying nothing, these bible thumpers went on to their next victim.....

    1. Mrsroad Runner, that is kind of funny! My dogs react the same way. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  3. I was just wondering the other day why I hadn't seen any of those guys lately... maybe they actually FOUND Him?

    1. textwall, you may be right. I haven't seen any in my neck of the woods in quite a while! Thank you for stopping by to read and for your kind comments! ♥

  4. I hate it when people pop up like this and start asking questions! Good post Kathy :)

    1. Swathi, I do too. I would rather be left alone! Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  5. Nice twist there at the end! I have kinda wanted to get one of those solicitors b/c I want so bad to say, 'I thought I saw him once at a Dead show.' I used to live in a townhouse complex that was next door to a Jehovah's Witness church, but they never came into the complex at all....I think the County forced them to agree to that caveat when they applied for the building permit.

    1. JoJo, that is funny. I was being silly when I wrote this...just having some fun. I am glad you enjoyed it. Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  6. Oh Kathy! you shooed them in a very polite manner. It's a pain when people drop when they are not needed.

    1. Kalpana, I agree! Most of the time no one ever comes to the door. When they do, I rarely answer. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  7. Hah! Good one, Kathy. Very slick!

    1. thewizardsword.com, I am so pleased you liked it! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  8. I can relate to that,i had a few stopped by, telling me how I can be saved, they even left a book for me.

    1. Ranu 802, I am pleased you enjoyed my post! Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  9. Haha - nice use of the prompts! Karen

    1. psychochef, I am so pleased you enjoyed it. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  10. haha tell them where to go, slam the door and hit their toe

    1. Pat, HA HA HA And it rhymes! Love it. I choose to never answer the door. Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  11. Oh, Kathy, I think this is one of the best stories you've ever shared here. Wow! Loved the humor and twist at the end.

    1. Martha, I wondered if you might like this one! Thank you for stopping by and for your precious comments! ♥

  12. If they could just figure out a way NOT to appear 'holier than thou', they might get people to open the door more often. Good story. Well written.

    1. Jacqueline, I agree. A person would be more willing to listen. In my humble opinion...you simply can't force an issue like that. The person has to want to know it and seek it themselves for it to really make a difference. I am so pleased you enjoyed my story! Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  13. Replies
    1. Patricia, I am so pleased you liked it! Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  14. A virtual six stars for this very entertaining post, Kathy. A few of these so called bible toters often find themselves at my door, but never return after the responses they received. I thought the homeowner gave witty answers to those asked, and think this is a great prompt entry.

    1. Michelle, I am so pleased you liked my post! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet words! ♥

  15. Oh man! I did not see that coming :) What I wouldn't give to see that priceless look on their faces :D Loved this, Kathy!

    1. Shailaja, If only a person could get a picture and make it last a bit longer! HA HA HA! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  16. You outdid yourself with this one Kathy.

    “Honestly I didn’t know HE was lost! Are you three the search party?”

    Honestly I think this is brilliant. Three cheers for you this week!

    1. tnkerr, I am so pleased you liked it!!! This one honestly showed a glimpse into my own personality because I would so say this! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  17. Loved your tresponse on the situation which was created by them...liked it a lot!

    1. shellymona, I am so please you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  18. This is great, Kathy! Loved reading it! It reminded me of certain Sunday visitors when I lived in an international students' housing complex in the US :) My husband would politely tell them that we would love to visit their church and also take them to the Hindu temple in town if they are willing. And they would of course have no answer :)

    1. Beloo, your husband knew just what to do with them! Love it! Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  19. Like it.... This reminds me of my experience with a converter who tried the conversion stunt with me a long time back. He will not forget me so soon :)


    1. Pheno, HA HA HA! I bet that makes a great story! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  20. Wow! Indeed, HE is everywhere and anywhere we want to look for him. For that we don't need scriptures to guide us, just a hear full of belief :)

    Lovely post, Kathy :)

    1. Kajal, I agree completely! Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  21. This was brilliant Kathy! Loved the message and the tone of the narrative!

    1. Aditi, I am so pleased you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  22. I didn't know people actually do that, I mean really ask you that question if you have found Jesus. Loved the ending :D

    1. Rajlakshmi, you would be amazed! They have good intentions. Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments! ♥

  23. Hi Kathy,

    I am one of those born-again believers, and believe it or not, I too, enjoyed your response. Though I love Jesus with all my heart, and I am a minister of the gospel, (I used to be a prison minister), I could never do what those who go door to door do. Perhaps it's because God has never called me to do that. How can I share the love of Jesus with people if I come across to them as "holier than thou"? When I ministered in prison, to the female inmates, I went in knowing that I was no better than any of them, and that it could have just as easily been me behind those bars, but for God's grace...

    I share my love for Christ openly with those I meet, though I don't carry tracts around and ginormous bibles are too heavy for me to carry. Besides, I can carry the bible on a laptop, or Chromebook, cell phone or Kindle, when I want to read and study His word. But when I go out in everyday life, I carry God's word in my heart, where God has written His word, sharing His love for those that I meet in everyday circumstances, when He leads me to do so.

    For me to go to someone's home, uninvited and unwelcomed is not what God has called me to do, thankfully. :) Still, if it had not been for a nice, bible-thumping couple in the early to mid-seventies, who came knocking at my parent's door and invited them to send their children to church on a church bus, I may not have had the opportunity to meet Jesus. For this little girl, who lived in an abusive household, their visit was truly welcomed. For it was these bible thumpers who demonstrated God's love for a little girl who grew up being told how stupid and worthless she was, as she never quite measured up to her parent's expectations of her. This same little girl was rejected, molested, and never able to earn her parent's love, which left her rebellious, angry and hurt. Yet these bible thumpers loved this little girl, even though they caught her cussing in church, smoking and doing other rebellious activity, and they never once tattled on her to her parents. They just loved her as she was, without judgment, and when no one else in her family believed in her, they did, for they saw this little girl, not as she was then, but as the girl she was created to be.

    So, while there are some "holier than thou", tract pushing, door to door Jesus salespeople, there are others who genuinely care. I shared all that just to say, I enjoyed your post. It was very well written, and in it, your main character showed both wisdom and compassion for her unwanted visitors, and I really appreciated it. I would also submit that it is entirely possible that God sent those visitors to this woman's house, not to help her, as they supposed, but so SHE could minister to them, as she did.

    God bless you,

    1. Cheryl, I am so pleased you enjoyed my post. You know, I think where the folks who go door to door fail is that if the people they are visiting aren't receptive and looking for understanding, love, and God's grace then they just come off being pushy. A person has to be looking for Jesus to be receptive. If they are not, it simply can not be forced. They have to reach that decision on their own. God has his reasons for everything, and like you suggest perhaps he thought they needed to open their hearts and minds a bit too. Thank you so much for stopping by and for sharing your story and your sweet comments! ♥

  24. Best answer ever!!! My mom was married to a former Jehovah's Witness when I was young. He'd been disfellowshipped (kicked out) because he smoked. You can also be disfellowshipped for having a blood transfusion. Members aren't allowed to speak to those who have been disfellowshipped...my mom didn't realize that. But when they started in, she mentioned her husband had been disfellowshipped and they literally RAN away. So, if you ever need to get rid of a Jehovah's Witness, there's an idea for you.

    1. Stephanie, that is just bizarre. Very interesting. Some people can be so judgmental of others when it says right in the Bible not to judge others. I am so pleased you enjoyed my story. Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  25. LOL! I love that. "Have you found Jesus." Oh my goodness, I'm going to remember your response. I admire people who have strong enough convictions that they want to share them with the world, but the truth is, unless you're searching, they're not going to do a lick of good. They need to get with the modern age and figure out social media, eh? ;)

    1. Crystal, I agree with you completely! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  26. Love this! What a great twist, Kathy. Really enjoyed reading this. :)

    1. Suzanne, I am so happy you liked it! I had a little fun writing this one. Thank you so much for stopping by to read, your comments, but most of all your encouragement! ♥

  27. This was awesome, Kathy! "Have you been saved, Dearie?" Love it.

    1. Edit Moi, I am so pleased you liked it! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  28. LOL. How I wish I had the nerve to ask, "Is He missing?" Nice take on the prompt, Kathy.

    1. magoo45, Wouldn't that just be hilarious?? Almost evil in that situation. HA HA HA Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  29. Yeah, I don't like having others' beliefs pushed on me either - but I don't want to be totally rude either.

    1. Trisha, I don't either and like you I hate to be rude...or have others be rude to me. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  30. Haha... love the conclusion of this. I am Christian, but I avoid those going door-to-door. I'm so bad that one time, I was driving home and I noticed two of them walking up to my front door, so I kept driving right past my house. The kids were all kinds of confused and laughed about me being lost. Well, by the time I got around the block, they were a few houses down and I closed the garage door real quick behind me.

    1. jannatwrites, HA HA HA that is funny but I know what you mean. There was only one time I welcomed it. Shortly after my mom died I was so sad and so lonely I would have talked the ear off of anyone. Let alone drowned them with my tears. I was pretty pathetic. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments! ♥

  31. "Is He missing?" - Loved this one, and the story :-)

    1. Amrit, I am so pleased you enjoyed it! Thank you much for stopping by and for your sweet comments!! ♥

  32. Renada, I feel the same way. I am so pleased you enjoyed my story! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind comments! ♥
