Online friends make my world go around. Who would have thought?? While I was in school or working, I had a whole host of acquaintances that put on the mask of friendship while I was in close proximity. As soon as I moved on, graduated, or quit my job…Boom! Those so called friends were gone like a fart in the wind. Some might say hello if they seen you in public, still the rest would most likely cross the street and avoid your existence. Life is constantly changing and people move through our lives at a steady rate. Few stick around for very long. They serve their purpose, and then on they go.
Over the past two years of active blogging I have come across the nicest people and only a couple honest to goodness nut jobs. Amazing considering we are advised to warn our kids to be wary about making online acquaintances because they are all disguised as child molesters, rapists, and murderers. There is a very good reason why sites like Face Book have age limits. The problem is, most people ignore them and get on Face Book anyways putting in bogus birthdates so they can play the games or mingle. For some reason parents have a false sense of security about face book no matter how many law enforcement and school officials warn against it.
Back in the day it was the in thing to sit on the telephone for hours. Now it is more acceptable to sit on a computer communicating by instant message or texting from a cell phone. Does anyone really interact in person anymore?? I don’t, except for the occasions that my husband is actually home. I interact with him because he is my best friend and I married him. Hate to state the obvious but I interact with my kids because they are my kids. Good moms are supposed to do that. Beyond that I have a direct connection to the rest of the world through the world wide web.
Upon thinking about this week’s topic, I realized something. I consider some of my best friends to be the people I interact with online and have never officially met. They come from all corners of the globe and are very much apart of my everyday life. They read my blogs. I read theirs. We chit chat on Face Book. We are united in our need to share our writing or photography with the world and with each other and in the process become friends. Oh yeah, and there is always that underlying desire to make a little do-re-me, and some of us share the never ending pursuit for that and even the almighty illustrious Google page rank. We help each other, support each other, leave comments, and give advice. We even learn new skills from some of the more tech savvy folks we find online.
Most days I rarely leave my home. Am I lonely? Not really. I have still mingled with folks states and continents away. They are my friends. True there are some people on my face book that are mere acquaintances. Like other people, I gather friends on face book like trick-or-treaters gather candy on Halloween. Why?, so I can promote my blog, plain and simple.

Regardless of how friendly people are on Face Book, most still are the next best thing to strangers. Still, I am happy to have my group of strangers because they have become some of the best friends I have ever had and they help me get through the ups and downs of everyday life. Until next time when I give you another glimpse into the life of a trucker’s wife.
Over the past two years of active blogging I have come across the nicest people and only a couple honest to goodness nut jobs. Amazing considering we are advised to warn our kids to be wary about making online acquaintances because they are all disguised as child molesters, rapists, and murderers. There is a very good reason why sites like Face Book have age limits. The problem is, most people ignore them and get on Face Book anyways putting in bogus birthdates so they can play the games or mingle. For some reason parents have a false sense of security about face book no matter how many law enforcement and school officials warn against it.
Back in the day it was the in thing to sit on the telephone for hours. Now it is more acceptable to sit on a computer communicating by instant message or texting from a cell phone. Does anyone really interact in person anymore?? I don’t, except for the occasions that my husband is actually home. I interact with him because he is my best friend and I married him. Hate to state the obvious but I interact with my kids because they are my kids. Good moms are supposed to do that. Beyond that I have a direct connection to the rest of the world through the world wide web.
Upon thinking about this week’s topic, I realized something. I consider some of my best friends to be the people I interact with online and have never officially met. They come from all corners of the globe and are very much apart of my everyday life. They read my blogs. I read theirs. We chit chat on Face Book. We are united in our need to share our writing or photography with the world and with each other and in the process become friends. Oh yeah, and there is always that underlying desire to make a little do-re-me, and some of us share the never ending pursuit for that and even the almighty illustrious Google page rank. We help each other, support each other, leave comments, and give advice. We even learn new skills from some of the more tech savvy folks we find online.
Most days I rarely leave my home. Am I lonely? Not really. I have still mingled with folks states and continents away. They are my friends. True there are some people on my face book that are mere acquaintances. Like other people, I gather friends on face book like trick-or-treaters gather candy on Halloween. Why?, so I can promote my blog, plain and simple.

Regardless of how friendly people are on Face Book, most still are the next best thing to strangers. Still, I am happy to have my group of strangers because they have become some of the best friends I have ever had and they help me get through the ups and downs of everyday life. Until next time when I give you another glimpse into the life of a trucker’s wife.
Hey Bestie! lol I couldn't agree more about our blogging friends. I have many FB friends that I know personally and it's a great thing to have this 'new' way to talk with them, but the best thing about FB for me and sounds like to you too, is the support and friendship of writers!
ReplyDeleteMy husband has never really grasped the whole writing thing, try as I have to explain. But everyone here gets it!
Wonder blog!
When I first started blogging, a number of years back on a site that is no more, I did it because the place ran an ad on Craig's List saying that their bloggers were making good money. I didn't go there with any notion of making anything but the money. In fact, had anyone told me that I would grow to care about some of the people there and even develop genuine friendships, I would have thought they were out of their ever-lovin' minds.
ReplyDeleteBut that's exactly what happened. I didn't make any real money there (damn those big-talking Craig's List ads!), but I formed connections with some of the members that are warm and loving. More came into my life on MySpace, and a few more on Facebook. These people are truly my friends. What a wonderful, surprising, utterly delightful gift.
Some of the best people, and the best friends, that I have ever met are online. I think what makes connecting with people online special is because the written word often shows you the true heart of a person, since there is no direct appearance to hide behind. I love my online friends and I am so happy to count you as one of my dearest :)
ReplyDeleteJo, thank you for stopping in to read and comment!! I am so pleased you enjoyed my post and count me as one of your friends. I feel the same way about you! I feel blessed to have met you.
ReplyDeleteWord Nerd, I too got online initially to make money never dreaming that I would discover that not only do I like to write, but I seem to have a knack for it. It makes me feel like it was something that I was really born to do! Not only that I have connected with so many wonderful people including you. It was a wonderful gift and has filled my heart and life to overflowing. Thank you for stopping by to read and for your wonderful comments!
ReplyDeleteRedBrook30, I couldn't agree with you more!! It has been truly a blessing in my life. I am proud to be one of your dear friends and am equally proud to have you as one of mine. Thank you for stopping in to read and comment!!
ReplyDeleteYou speak such truth, Kathy. Some of my best friends are people I have met online through my blog, Redgage and Gather. I couldn't get most people I actually know personally to read my blog if I paid them. But that's ok. Great post!
ReplyDeleteI was really disappointed when I quit my first real job where I had worked with some really great people for four years and they did not return my calls or make any effort to stay in touch. I have had online friends since I was in college. I have found those relationships very rewarding.
ReplyDeleteMany years ago, before I ever bought my first computer, my Aunt told me all about her "online friends". I didn't understand how anybody could make friends online. LOL... Did I ever have a lot to learn!
ReplyDeleteI have made some online friendships that I know will last for the rest of my life - with or without a computer. Even thought I hate a telephone, I have talked with several of my online friends on the phone. One day I know I will meet some of them in person. I look forward to that day!
I am proud to count you among my online friends.
Kathy, this is a terrific article. I couldn't agree with you more. Despite the many dangers in being online, the people I have met through the internet on networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and blogging are amazing. So amazing that often times, I wish the people I knew in the "real world" were like them. The relationships are rewarding, and the support I've gotten from people who have never even seen me in person is amazing. I thought it would be more difficult to find friends online, but it's actually easier, and they tend to be a lot more friendlier too.
ReplyDeleteYou know--I have met some of the kindest--warmest--friendliest people online. You learn a lot about people by reading their words--and getting to know how they think and act. Though some may come and go--many are here to stay--and my life is richer for them being there!!
ReplyDeleteGreat post My Friend :) Cheers, Jenn.
I agree, online friends are great, especially when you don't get out much. The only problem I have is when they "disappear" and you have no idea what happened to them. I had an older online friend once that we had exchanged numbers and talked a few times. We got to a point where we didn't talk near as much and she was having some health as well as money problems. After some time, I never saw her online anymore and by this time, I had lost her number. I never did find out what happened to her. But, I know I'll see her face to face one day. :)
ReplyDeleteTheresa, I know exactly what you mean!! Actually I am pretty amazed by how many people that I know read what I write. It is wild. I will see someone and they will come right out and tell me, and I will be floored that not only have they been to my site, but that they read what I write and like it. I have more contact with my online friends than I ever have had with the people in my everyday life. Most of those people never really gave me a chance. So I kept to myself. Thank you for stopping by to read and comment!
ReplyDeleteFrizzy Hooker, your handle cracks me up!! LMAO I know exactly what you mean about friends in the work place. Out of site, out of mind. Makes you wonder if they really were your friends or just tolerated you because they had to because you all worked together. That is why I am really skeptical about what the word 'friend' means. My online friends are gems and I wouldn't trade them for all the tea in China. Bad example, because I don't like tea! LOL But you get my drift. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment. I appreciate your kind words and input!
ReplyDeleteDarlene, thank you for stopping in to read and for your kind comments. It has amazed me how much better quality of friends I have found online than in everyday life!! I feel very blessed to have found you, and count you as one of my dear friends.
ReplyDeleteAshley, like you I wish the people in the real world could be half as nice and as good of friends as those I have met online. I think it is easier to find friends online because people don't make snap judgments about you first. They get to know you first and are more accepting. Not only that, I think it is a lot easier to be yourself online than eyeball to eyeball. Thank you for stopping by to read and comment!!
ReplyDeleteJenn, I agree with you 100% on everything!! Thanks for stopping in to read and comment!
ReplyDeleteAngie, you bring up a valid point!! I often worry about my online friends. What if one day they became sick and died and I never knew what happened to them? I would be heartbroken and would miss them so!! I am afraid I would have a big problem with that too. Thank you for stopping in to read and comment!!
ReplyDeleteI have made many friends 'online' - and yes, they ARE friends. I have met two or three of them (and hope to meet others in future!), and we really did greet each other like real life friends! No awkward 'first meeting' because, of course, we already knew so much about each other. People who don;t do social networking simply don't know what they're missing!
ReplyDeleteThis was such a warm fuzzy post to read today. I agree that I have met the best people online. You really do get to know their soul and what is deep down important to them. I think back even two years ago, I would never have though that I could make such great friends online. who'd a thunk it? Glad I was open to it cuz so many more great people than poops.
ReplyDeletePaula, thank you for stopping by to read and comment!! It seems so much easier getting to know people online, especially folks who make a regular practice of baring their souls in their blogs. I feel really blessed because the internet opens the world up to people that I would never have met or even knew existed otherwise and I am so much better for having known them!
ReplyDeleteLaura, thank you for stopping in to read and comment. I know that I never would have dreamed that the world was virtually as close to me as the computer in my living room. It opened me up to meet so many wonderful people like you.
ReplyDeleteThis was another terrific post, Kathy, and so 'spot on'!!! And, the many comments were so interesting too. The ones that regularly comment here are also becoming familiar to me. Like you, I never would have thought that I would enjoy communicating with others in this blogging experience. I'm certainly glad that I met you, Kathy.
ReplyDeleteBetty, thank you for your kind praise. Thank you for stopping in to read and comment. If anything good came out of Website Business, it was the fact that it brought me to you and provided for me a wonderful friend in you. I would have never have thought it would have all led to me loving to write, meeting such kind folks, and growing wonderful friendships that have proven more blessing than I can ever express.
ReplyDeleteI agree, I really enjoy my blogging friends, even though lately I have been more at work than here on FB and all (like I'd like to be!). It is a different world. I have often wondered "what if" all of this (internet, FB, etc) would have been around when I was a teen? WOW! But I am so thankful for all my friends now. Great post. :)-Katwin2010
ReplyDeleteKatwin2010, thank you for stopping by to read and comment. It is a different world altogether from when I was a kid. I personally don't feel kids belong on face book, but they lie about their ages and get on there anyways and there is really no way the site could stop them.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree! It wasn't always that easy though. Online interaction almost cost me my life and then when I first shared my story I was condemned a liar and banned from many places! Sure glad that **** is all behind me and I hardly almost ever feel rage when I think about it anymore :D Nah, really online friends are the best and if they're not - well there's always cool buttons like "mute", "block",and "delete" LOL
ReplyDeleteLis, OMG how horrible for you!! I would have been so pi$$ed if I were you. Amen on the mute, block, and delete...oh and there is "un-friend" and then I believe you can report them on face book. I actually am very happy that you stopped by here to share your story. It highlights how dangerous the internet can be. I think it is horrible that the victim is the one condemned in many cases. In your situation and in rape cases, they often say victims asked for it. Excuse me, no one asks for something like what happened to you to happen, or to be raped, abused, or scammed. Everyone looks for friendship, love, and acceptance and that is not always what you get. I agree with you totally. I don't believe in putting up with any bull$hit and won't think twice about blocking or deleting. Thank you for stopping by to read and comment!!