Have you ever noticed that sometimes walking away is the only way to move forward, grow, and ultimately win the brass ring of happiness?? Over the course of my life, I have walked away many times. Whether it be from jobs, people, or bad situations, sometimes you simply have to. No matter how much it tears at your heart, to move forward you have to walk away. Ultimately it is a choice. Do you choose to be someone’s doormat, or do you walk away? Do you choose to be tormented, or do you walk away? Do you choose to be a stay at home mom and lose the revenue or work and lose the opportunity to witness precious milestones?
There are some people who simply are a lost cause. I can actually name names, but I won’t. Sad but true. They live for the fight, the drama, and are constantly in a turmoil. They are miserable people, and get their jollies on seeing how many folks they can make as miserable as they are. I refuse to be involved with anyone or anything that gives me stress and drama. I retreat from controversy.
When given the option to stay or go… I am out the door, down the street, moving so fast that the door barely has time to hit me in the a$$ on the way out. Do I have regrets?? There probably would be something terribly wrong with me if I didn’t. Still maintaining the peace and happiness in my own life is my primary concern. I have walked away from people who proved to be nothing but pure poison in my life. They thrived on stirring up trouble, fighting, and were always angry. In their eyes, I could never do anything right anyways and eventually I simply gave up trying. I walked away. Any hopes of a reconciliation? I have my doubts. Je$u$ preaches forgiveness, and in my heart I believe I have let go, if not totally forgiven. He is perfect and can, I unfortunately am not perfect and find the forgiveness issue a little harder to stomach. The fact that I can’t forget keeps me from reaching out again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Unfortunately they are stuck with this crazy broad , and who knows…if I have my say, I will come back as a ghost and scare the be Je$u$ out of them when they least expect it because I’m that kind of girl. Any way you look at it, I’m walking away a winner in the pursuit of happiness in my life leaving the drama behind me. Until next time when I give you another glimpse into the life of a trucker’s wife.
I am going to write a piece about the only professional regret I have. You have inspired me to do that, not sure what you said exactly that made this come into my head...but I now need to write it!
ReplyDeleteThis is a wonderful write and as usual your honest and literate approach shines through.
Love it.
Jo, thank you for stopping by to read and you kind comments. I am honored to be the source of your inspiration!! :D I am so pleased you enjoyed my blog!!
ReplyDeleteAs always, I enjoyed reading your blog, Kathy. Appreciated your frank approach and your stand for peace and happiness. 'Tis so wonderful to read of the commitment you have for your husband and family!!!! I won't waste my time reading about others grumbling and complaining of their lives.
ReplyDeleteBetty, thank you for stopping in to read and comment! I am pleased you enjoyed it. Very rarely I will sink into the doldrums and complain because I know that it doesn't change anything. On the whole life isn't so bad, and it can be improved immensely by cutting out the people that are bent on negativity and tearing me and everyone else down. A little complaining is OK. Everyone needs a sympathetic ear. But constantly creating trouble and chaos is just not good for anyone.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't have said it better myself. Soon I will share my own story of walking away.
ReplyDeleteYou absolutely rock. I love the way that you can make your point (which you always do very well) and make me laugh at the same time. I love visiting your blog.
ReplyDeleteI think walking away can be one of the toughest things to do. Good for you for having courage.
I LOVE this line: "Any way you look at it, I’m walking away a winner in the pursuit of happiness in my life leaving the drama behind me." THAT right there is the right attitude! Love it!!!
ReplyDeleteWonderful post on walking away--I love the way you put this out there! Great job!
ReplyDeleteSusan, thank you for stopping by to read and comment!! I can't wait to read your take on walking away! I am so pleased that you enjoyed my take.
ReplyDeleteWord Nerd, thank you so much for stopping in to read and your kind comments!! I think you rock too!! It is always so nice to see you when you drop by. I am so pleased you got a chuckle out of this and enjoy visiting my little place in the cyber space.
ReplyDeleteJoyce, thank you for stopping by to read and for your kind words. Walking away does take a measure of courage and determination. It can really make me sad at times, even though I know that in the long run it was the best decision for me. G0d knows I give whatever or whomever it is plenty of chances before I finally walk away. At that point, there really is no turning back. At that point I am usually done.
ReplyDeleteDarlene, thank you for stopping in to read and for your kind comments. Here I was afraid that I got a little cocky in this blog. Happy to see that I struck the right chord. So pleased you came by and enjoyed what you found here.
ReplyDeleteJenn, thank you for stopping by to read and for your kind comments. I simply told it like it is, which I have a habit of doing. I don't do drama anymore. I used to, and when I did I had a bleeding ulcer and was severely depressed. That is not the way to live life to the fullest. I was miserable, so I made the executive decision to walk away from anything or anyone that brought me more grief than they have a right to. My life has sailed along a lot smoother ever since. Occasionally I will get in the doldrums of what might of been, but then I weigh out all the factors of why I walked away in the first place and realize it was the best thing for myself I could have done.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree. I have known people like that, and they are so hard to be around. Sometimes, walking away is the only answer.
ReplyDeleteTheresa, thank you for stopping by to read and comment!! I agree with you completely and tends to make life a lot more peaceful in the long run.