Have you ever wondered if you had went down a different path in life, how events would have been different?? Because of this week’s BFF challenge, I have found myself in a reflective mood wondering what if about the road not taken. Would I have changed my path if I could?
If I hadn’t quit school and come home from Belmont University, would I be a record producer today like I once wanted to be?? Would I be mixing the sound boards for the likes of Taylor Swift, Blake Shelton, or Rascal Flatts?? Hard to tell. Instead I followed my heart home and got a job.
If I hadn’t came home, I would never have met my first husband. That would have been a good thing! On the other hand, if I hadn’t experienced being married to an abusive husband and survived, I may never have grown a back bone. I also would have never appreciated the husband I have today quite as much if I hadn’t went through that experience with the first. If I hadn’t followed my mom home on that fall day in 1986, I would have never been there to take care of her when she needed me most.
If I had went back to graphic design school after my mother had died and obtained my degree, would I have a fabulous job in the world of design today full of high pressure stress with little time for anything else? In the long run, would I have been happy doing that like I once though I would?
The roads that I have went down in life have not always been smooth. They have been fraught with turmoil, laced with lessons, and peppered with laughter and happiness. Still, looking back over the decisions and roads I have taken, I don’t believe I would have changed much. I would not have wanted to miss the last precious moments of my mom’s or my dad’s lives. I sure would not have wanted to miss looking into my husband’s eyes on our wedding day. I would not have wanted to have missed the thrill of holding my precious babies for the first time, their first steps, or their first days of school.

The path I took made me stronger and wiser. I may not have all the finer things in life or a fabulous career today, but I have everything I need and all that makes life truly worthwhile. I continue to follow the path G0d intended for me discovering what I need to along the way. There is a reason for everything whether good or bad. If given the opportunity, I wouldn’t change a thing. Until next time when I give you another glimpse into the life of a truckers wife.
If I hadn’t quit school and come home from Belmont University, would I be a record producer today like I once wanted to be?? Would I be mixing the sound boards for the likes of Taylor Swift, Blake Shelton, or Rascal Flatts?? Hard to tell. Instead I followed my heart home and got a job.
If I hadn’t came home, I would never have met my first husband. That would have been a good thing! On the other hand, if I hadn’t experienced being married to an abusive husband and survived, I may never have grown a back bone. I also would have never appreciated the husband I have today quite as much if I hadn’t went through that experience with the first. If I hadn’t followed my mom home on that fall day in 1986, I would have never been there to take care of her when she needed me most.
If I had went back to graphic design school after my mother had died and obtained my degree, would I have a fabulous job in the world of design today full of high pressure stress with little time for anything else? In the long run, would I have been happy doing that like I once though I would?
The roads that I have went down in life have not always been smooth. They have been fraught with turmoil, laced with lessons, and peppered with laughter and happiness. Still, looking back over the decisions and roads I have taken, I don’t believe I would have changed much. I would not have wanted to miss the last precious moments of my mom’s or my dad’s lives. I sure would not have wanted to miss looking into my husband’s eyes on our wedding day. I would not have wanted to have missed the thrill of holding my precious babies for the first time, their first steps, or their first days of school.

The path I took made me stronger and wiser. I may not have all the finer things in life or a fabulous career today, but I have everything I need and all that makes life truly worthwhile. I continue to follow the path G0d intended for me discovering what I need to along the way. There is a reason for everything whether good or bad. If given the opportunity, I wouldn’t change a thing. Until next time when I give you another glimpse into the life of a truckers wife.
Yup. It's all good!
ReplyDeleteMike, thank you for stopping in to read and comment! :D In the long run, it is all good!!
ReplyDeleteI feel the same. I am where I am because of a series of choices. Had I made other ones, my dearest blessings would not be mine today, so no regrets.
ReplyDeleteWord Nerd, that is the exact way I feel about it too!! Thank you for stopping in to read and comment on my post.
ReplyDeleteI like where life took me. There's a couple of things I would change if I could, but can't so no sense in loosing sleep over it.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog!
Darlene, well said!! There is no reason to worry or fret over things in the past that we can't change. Thank you for stopping by to read and comment!
ReplyDeleteOh, Kathy, I like this post and especially the quote, "Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason!" And, I agree with you and Darlene that there's no need to worry or fret over things in the past that we can't change. I've received so many blessings along the way that far outweigh any regrets I may have about bad choices made. Thanks for this reminder, Kathy.
ReplyDeleteBetty, thank you for stopping in to read and comment. What amazes me most is that things that seem bad at the time, actually turn out to be a blessing in disguise in hindsight. That is a lot of the reason I tend to just go with the flow anymore having full faith that G0d is watching out for me and has my back. No one can change the past, so why dwell on it and be miserable? Might as well proceed forward and count your blessings, because somewhere there always is at least one!
ReplyDeleteYou know I am right here with you. I do believe everything happens as it is meant to be and looking back, well, sometimes it's just plain destructive to the life we have now.
ReplyDeleteVery well done.
Jo, I agree with you. I could dwell on all the bad stuff from the past but then that would dilute any happiness I would find today. It seems pointless and completely stupid to do so. Mentally I think I have blocked out a lot of the bad and have tried to focus on anything good and that is what I remember. I remember funny things. I remember the bad, I just try not to dwell on it because it is in the past and I can't change. All I can do is move on and make the best of it.
ReplyDeleteJo, I almost forgot!!! Thanks for stopping in to read and for your kind comments!!!!