Thursday, March 8, 2012

Date Book of Life


        The NaBloPoMo question of the day is “Would you rather have a video copy of your dreams or a date book that contains the events of every day of your life?”  Since the only kinds of dreams that I remember are the horrific kind where some faceless wonder is chasing me off a cliff, I obviously have to go with the date book.

        In the likely event that my life will be long, I am envisioning boxes of date books with a few lines scrawled in my famous chicken scratch under every date.  I did a load a laundry, wrote a blog, did the dishes, fed the kids, took a walk….you get the picture.  Occasionally the book would be peppered with life’s little catastrophes that can be giggled over later and the life shattering moments that leave a person struggling to cope.  It would feature accomplishments, drone on about disappointments, count the days until my husband comes home, and the celebrations that mark his arrival.  It would tell my comings and goings highlighting when I actually decided to poke my nose out of my house and where I went when.  It would also magically record my personality, so that the folks reading it could almost hear my giggles or see the grimace on my face.  The date book would tell it all, highlighting each happening in minute detail.

      It would be great to have such a date book for all those times I struggle to remember and for those moments when the powers that be want to know what I was doing on the night of March 7, 2012 at approximately 6:25 p.m.  I wouldn’t have to be the one breaking a sweat and drawing a blank.  I would whip out my handy dandy date book and know all until next time when I give you another glimpse into the life of a trucker’s wife.


  1. I'd go with a date book too--only because I remember my dreams and they are very hard to forget. Ideally--I write them down anyway--so there is a record. Nice post Kathy!

    1. Jenn, I have never written down my dreams. There was a reoccurring one I had constantly after my mom died that I still remember in vivid detail. I have had a couple other ones like that about her or my Dad that I remembered bits and pieces, but on the most part I don't remember them when I wake up or they are scary and I don't want to. A date book would come in handy for me because I can be pretty forgetful. Thank you for stopping by to read and for your comments! I am so pleased you enjoyed my post!

  2. I would definitely rather have a date book. I'm all about writing things down, all the way from "to do" lists to scheduled appointments. The dream video, while it might be interesting, doesn't appeal too much since most of my dreams area always filled with nonsense! :)

    1. Bella, I am with you. I need a to do list to keep me focused and on track. Otherwise I am more than likely to go off on a tangent and get nothing done! Thank you for stopping by to read and for your comments!!

  3. I think I would go for the dreams. I'm more of a visual person, and if nothing else I'd have this video(s) I could pop in every once in awhile when a) I need ideas to spur a story; and b) I need a pick-me-up cause duh, at least my real life makes a little more sense than that (most of the time?).

    I get where you're coming from, though, and I agree it's nice to have something to help me remember all the really good/bad/blah things that have happened in my life. I think I get caught up in the day-to-day and forget how magical things and experiences can be.

    Thanks for the post.


    1. dbstevens, the dreams would be interesting to watch. I guess having a way to replay them would help to be able to really understand what they mean. Thank you for stopping in and for your comments!

  4. Totally forgot about those "Where were you on the night of.." entries! Good tip!

    1. Mimi, those go right near the ones about where you hid the body and who you were having sex with! LOL Thanks for stopping in!

  5. A date book would also record things I'd sooner forget! And probably have. You know, those not so proud of myself moments. Youth is filled with those, for me, anyway.
    I don't care about dreams, at all. I hardly ever know that I dreamed let alone about what, but when I do, they are usually too silly to mean anything.
    I think of my blog as kind of a datebook. It sort of records my life as I am thinking of it when I write.
    Really good job on this one. Your date book would be fun! ♥

    1. Jo, that is one way to look at your blog. Mine is more meeting the writing challenges at hand lately. I am with you on the dreams. I really don't pay much attention to them unless my mom or dad happens to be in one. They never make any sense. LOL Thank you for stopping in and for your comments!!
