Monday, March 12, 2012

The Truth or Ignorant Bliss?

       Today the folks at NaBloPoMo are wondering “would I rather always know the truth or remain blissfully ignorant?”  I guess that depends.  Is the truth going to hurt my feelings?  Is it something I need to know to get through life?  Is it trivial or is it life altering?

         They say the truth will set you free.   Sometimes the brutal truth simply creates too much misery and drama.  Many times I moan that I would have been so much better off if someone would have left that little tidbit to themselves.  I mean really.  Do they get their jollies from pi$$ing on my parade??    Is it really necessary for my husband to rub in my face that he and a fellow driver ate and had drinks at Applebee’s?  Especially since Applebee’s is always beyond our budget when he is home?  I think not.  I didn’t really need to know.  He could have told me that he went and had dinner, what was on the menu, and leave out the part he was at a fun hot spot like Applebee’s or Hooters …without me.  All that information makes me feel like perhaps I am not good enough to step through the door with him, instead of the fact that it was the only restaurant that was convenient.  The operative concept is he went without me.  Is it necessary for the brutal truth when I ask how I look?? No, I already know I look fat…you don’t have to highlight that one for me.  Tell me I look nice and go on!!  Of course if I have a big stain on my a$$, I expect you to speak up!! Don’t let me walk out in public looking like that!!!

         On the other hand, if someone saw my husband screwing around with another woman…then I want to know NOW.  Even if it is going to rip my heart out, I would want to know.  After all, I am going to find out eventually anyways.    Then I can slice his balls off and serve them to him for dinner before I throw all of his belongings into the street or sell them to the highest bidder.  For all I care, he could string them up on his rearview mirror much as he did with my wedding garter for years.  I will steel my resolve and create a life without him as is proper in such circumstances.  As you can see, I don’t tolerate infidelity at all.  That would be a deal breaker for me.  Fortunately for me and my husband’s testicles I can trust him to remain faithful, and on the flip side of the coin he can trust me.  Of course, if it is all innocent the hubby should be able to tell me anything!!!  Whether I decide to have a hair across my a$$ and get my panties in a twist is my prerogative.

        When it comes right down to it, I must conclude that I would rather have the truth even if it hurts my feelings and crushes my soul.  It is always better to KNOW than be oblivious.  Some things should just be kept dirty little secrets for marital bliss and then there are things  where only the brutal truth will do until next time when I give you another glimpse into the life of a trucker’s wife.


  1. LOL. sorry, but gotta laugh at the idea of your hanging your husband's balls on the rearview mirror. Serves him right for hanging up your belt! As to ignorance; yes, most often, I would say it is bliss. I do NOT believe knowing the truth is always best. Sometimes it is plain hurtful and that's it. If my husband were screwing around, I guess Id want to know so I don't catch anything:)) But I wouldn't let it wreck my marriage. That I do know. Midlife crisis can do strange things....hang in there.

    1. Sandra, that huh??? It is not that I am not allowing him to keep them. He just would have to learn to not be so attached to them is all. You are so right about the bliss side of ignorance. If you don't know, it can't upset or hurt you. I would definitely want to know if my husband was screwing about because of the fear of catching something. That would make the infidelity even worse!! I am not sure if I would allow it to wreck my marriage or not. I sure wouldn't want it to, but I don't know if I could trust the same way ever again. Midlife crisis sucks. It is right up there with menopause. Both are for the birds. Thank you for stopping by to read and comment!!

  2. I am one who always likes the truth. There's lots of differences for me in knowing the truth and speaking the truth. I think the speaking part is where I censor myself the most. It's tough juggling on which side the other person falls and if they want to hear what you have to say. Loved the post and it made me smile on a Monday - really - that's the truth for me today. :)

    1. Amy, juggling how someone else is going to handle the truth is hard. In the end, it is better to know the truth and get it over with, no matter how bitter a pill it is to swallow. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I like it straight from the hip. I'm not always the first to embrace a brutal truth--but I eventually open my eyes and come around. I don't like ignorance, at all.

    Great post!

    1. Jenn, to be perfectly honest ignorance annoys the hell out of me!! Like you, I may not like the truth..but I eventually will accept it and embrace it. I will get all worked up and wish I was back to not knowing. Then I go on. Truth is always better than guessing! Thanks for stopping in to read and comment!!

  4. You know I had a friend who's husband I caught cheating and thinking, I, like you, would want to know if something like that was going on, I told my friend and she got totally pissed off at me, asked me why was I telling her and said that *I* ruined her marriage! Seriously??? Because I was the one out screwing around??? Like I said in my post.. The world runs rampant with the blissfully ignorant and I just sooooo choose not to be a part of that group.

    AND!!! You're NOT fat - stop thinking that!
    AND!!! The next time the hubster comes home snag some cash out of his wallet or take the credit card and treat YOURSELF to Applebee's! You don't have to take the whole family. Feeding EVERYBODY gets expensive but one meal n' a cocktail (or two) isn't. Go enjoy a meal alone, take a book, a note pad, people watch.. Personal time is good for the soul! And in the best interest of EVERYONE in my home! ; )

    1. Magical Mystical Mimi, I wouldn't have to snag some cash because I am the one who has it all. LOL You didn't ruin that lady's marriage. Her lying, cheating, husband did. I haven't went out alone since like forever. I used to do it all the time after my mom died. There wasn't anyone else to go with. I was determined that I wasn't going to not go, so I went. You are right feeding everyone gets expensive. I understand that. I may just have to do that one day, take a book and enjoy a meal and cocktail alone while the kids are at school. I could do lunch. LOL Thank you for your uplifting comments. I feel fat, and it is kind of you to say I am not. Thank you!!! Thanks for stopping by to read and for your comments.

  5. I just love you. I am all about truth. Period. Tell it and deal with it. Don't like me because I told you the truth, sorry and I'm movin' on then.
    As usual, we are pretty much on the same page. Honesty is the only way to go. Usually. he he he ♥

    1. Jo, exactly!! Thank you for stopping by to comment and for your kind words. I just love you right back Jo!!

  6. Well, I just commented that I was happy being in the dark after reading DeSharanch's post, but now I'm completely agreeing with you. You got me revved up and ready for the good fight! I do feel the same way about infidelity and I do believe that people are better off knowing more rather than less because then they can learn what they are up against. But then there are times like right now when I'm quite content to just sit on the sofa and not know a thing - like the child has another poopy diaper or there is a frozen water pipe.

    1. Elise, I certainly can relate to not wanting to know about another poopy diaper or the frozen water pipe. Those kind of things I would rather just have anyone else deal with. Unfortunately, those unpleasant tasks always seemed to fall to me anyways. Thank you for stopping by to read and for your comments!!

  7. Nice post, Kathy. I would absolutely tell my friend if I saw her husband cheating on her! Some truths we can keep to ourselves if it is trivial...I think the most important truth of all is the that WE are being true to ourselves and being ourselves. I always enjoy your posts, Kathy! ;)

    1. Beachlover, I would too. I think you nailed it. It is most important to stay true to ourselves!! Thank you for stopping by to read and for your comments. I am thrilled you enjoy reading what I write. It makes it all worthwhile!
