Who hasn’t pretended to be someone else while growing up? The most fun thing about Halloween is the ability to transform for one night into someone else with the aid of a costume and a mask. Even more fun is having everyone guess who it is behind the mask. That is why Halloween holds so much appeal to so many people. It is certainly why I always loved it. The magic of movies and the theatre draw many for the same reason. It makes it ok to be someone else, if only for a while.
The best actors and actresses can portray someone else so well that they become that character. They never quite lose the aura of that character in people’s minds. Scarlett O’ Hara will forever be Vivienne Leigh. Judy Garland will forever be the image of Dorothy of the “Wizard of Oz”. Even when I read the books, I see the actors who portray the characters in my minds eye acting out the scenes. We may not remember what their real names are years from now but chances are we will still recognize the actresses as they were when they portrayed the iconic roles that made them famous.
What about in real life? Do ordinary folks wear masks? That would be a hearty hell yes! We all wear masks. Are they as different as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?? Most people tend to be more subtle. We wear a different mask at work, and discard it when we get home. A different mask comes out for partying at a nightclub compared to the one worn at a family wedding. If faced with a police officer or the preacher of your church, you will exhibit different behaviors than how you might act with your best friends. You get the drift. Depending on who we are around or where we are, we act differently. Most folks would never dream of throwing a fit at church but would have no qualms about raising holy hell in the comfort of their own house. People’s behaviors and appearances don’t change quite as drastically as Jim Carrey’s character in the hit movie “The Mask”, but wouldn’t it be smoking’ if it did??
We wear the masks we need as society dictates in our surroundings and relationships. Often we hide behind masks afraid to let people in for fear of being hurt once again. Even social networking sites online can serve as a mask to hide behind. Only for those who are truly trusted do the masks finally come off revealing the true person within. Until next time when I give you another glimpse into the life of a trucker’s wife.

What about in real life? Do ordinary folks wear masks? That would be a hearty hell yes! We all wear masks. Are they as different as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?? Most people tend to be more subtle. We wear a different mask at work, and discard it when we get home. A different mask comes out for partying at a nightclub compared to the one worn at a family wedding. If faced with a police officer or the preacher of your church, you will exhibit different behaviors than how you might act with your best friends. You get the drift. Depending on who we are around or where we are, we act differently. Most folks would never dream of throwing a fit at church but would have no qualms about raising holy hell in the comfort of their own house. People’s behaviors and appearances don’t change quite as drastically as Jim Carrey’s character in the hit movie “The Mask”, but wouldn’t it be smoking’ if it did??
We wear the masks we need as society dictates in our surroundings and relationships. Often we hide behind masks afraid to let people in for fear of being hurt once again. Even social networking sites online can serve as a mask to hide behind. Only for those who are truly trusted do the masks finally come off revealing the true person within. Until next time when I give you another glimpse into the life of a trucker’s wife.
"Only for those who are truly trusted do the masks finally come off revealing the true person within." I love this line because it's so true for everyone we meet, isn't it? Excellent post.
ReplyDeleteSo I shouldn't swear like a sailor and tell dirty jokes to the preacher? Aha! ;O)
ReplyDeleteGreat post...and you're so right. Even when we're always true to ourselves, we exhibit different facets of our personalities, depending on the company we're keeping.
Jo, it really is when you think about it. We all keep up a certain amount of wall for most people. There are few that see us for exactly who we are, at our worst, best, sick, happy, and in between. Thank you for stopping by to read and for your kind comments!!
ReplyDeleteWord Nerd, well if you want to swear like a sailor and tell dirty jokes to your preacher it may work to your advantage. Besides, preachers are mere mortals and put their pants on same as you and me no matter how pious they appear the rest of the time. :D I guarantee that the preacher may be doubling up on extra special prayers to save your soul if you dare to pull of a stunt like that. :D I am so pleased you enjoyed my post about masks. I really had to think about this one. LOL Peoples personalities are very multifaceted and ever changing. Thank you for stopping in to read and for your kind comments. You crack me up. LMAO
ReplyDeleteWonderful post! I suppose we all wear masks from time to time - and sometimes even with ourselves. Great blog!
ReplyDeleteAll true and very well said. One of the things I always disliked about myself--and consequently about others, since we tend to dislike in others the things we dislike most in ourselves--was that I changed my "mask" depending on who I was talking to. As I've gotten older, I've become more myself, I think. One of the joys of old age. (We should get SOME compensation, don't you think?) : - )
ReplyDeleteI say we take off masks and just be who we are... being in a mask too long would become who we are... and we don't want that. if each and everyone won't trust others then how can we know which is true and which is not... just a thought... Yahweh bless.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you Scarlett is Viviane Leigh, she was brilliantly portrayed by Viviane. This book is actually the book of my life. Lovely post.
ReplyDeleteremoving the mask can be the hardest thing of all.
ReplyDeleteSociety just wouldn't work without those masks!
Darlene, this is so true! We are conditioned from birth to navigate different masks for different situations. Thank you for stopping by to read and for your comments!!
ReplyDeleteAngela, I have noticed that as I have gotten older. It has gotten a lot easier to let the real me shine through in life and in my writing. When I started writing, my style was more formal and stilted. At this point...it seems to be all me. The "mask" has slid off! Thanks for stopping to read and comment!!
ReplyDeleteRalph, I agree with you completely! If we could all go without the masks people would see us exactly the way we are. Thank you for stopping by to read and comment!
ReplyDeleteUnikorna, I love "Gone with the Wind"! It is one of my all time favorites. I love the sequel too, although in that case I felt the book was 100% better than the movie they made. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment!
ReplyDeleteGlen, it is extremely hard to let that mask fall and you are so right...society demands it. Society demands we hold ourselves back, maintain control, and a certain propriety. Thank you for stopping in to read and comment!