Get you priorities straight!! Have you ever heard that one before?? Well I have, and it rings through my scattered brain every Friday without fail. Every time Friday rolls around, I get to revisit where my priorities lie. I personally hate Fridays. It is payday, and it is also the day when I have to sit down and figure out to the last penny what will be paid, and what won’t. There used to be a day when we went and got what we wanted and then paid bills with what was left. Sadly those days are gone. Somewhere along the line we became more responsible and kissed the days of living la vita loca goodbye. Bottom line, every decision I make is made with my husband’s input. I may do the math and the organization, but I give him final approval even offering several different scenarios.

If you are looking for what my priorities are in general, my kids and husband are number 1. They come first in all instances. Once everyone else has been taken care of, the bills that are going to be paid are paid, and everyone has what they need…then and only then do I worry about me.
I will say there are exceptions to that rule too. For example, when “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2” was released on DVD, you can bet I had my happy a$$ at the store picking up my copy as soon as the doors on my son’s bus had closed and the bus was on its way down the road. What can I say? I do have my weaknesses. When it comes to money, every now and then I simply can’t resist a small indulgence. That was one of the rare times I told my husband what I was doing instead of asking his opinion. On the most part we are aligned in our priorities and I think that is why our marriage works. When we stand together, we can accomplish anything. Until next time when I give you another glimpse into the life of a trucker’s wife.
Great perspective. It works because you are in it together. Each with his own priority, but in the end, together. It'll get better in time. The money thing, I mean. :)
ReplyDeleteJo, one can only hope so. Money is pretty tight most of the time, still we are happy and make it somehow. Guess in that respect we are not much different than anyone else. It is all part of this great adventure called life. Thank you for stopping in to read and for your comments!
ReplyDeleteYou've definitely have your priorities in order and in love with your family!
ReplyDeleteWay to go, Kathy!
Beachlover, thank you for stopping in to read and comment!! I am so pleased you enjoyed it. It is a relief to know I am on the right track in life...sometimes it feels like I am all screwed up. LOL
ReplyDeleteThose cell phone charges are too high, IMHO. When I retired, I gave up my Verizon service and bought a tracfone. I was very surprised to learn that my reception, etc is just as good as Verizon. My simple old razor phone/Tracfone has served me well. Instead of paying $55 per month, I buy minutes when I need them, which amounts to about $20 every 3 months, but then I am retired...your husband probably needs a lot more minutes than I use.
ReplyDeleteWhen I need to cut expenses, just about the only place left to cut from is the food budget, but fortunately, I have had a lifetime of experience in preparing cheap but nutritious meals~ But, there is certain satisfaction for me to stay within a budget. It's in my genes... LOL
Darlene, I agree with you 100%!! My husband had to have an android phone with all the trimmings, and all though they are really nice and you can do all kinds of stuff with have to have unlimited coverage of everything to keep everything working properly. It was time for our contract to be up, and because of that we got these fancy dancy phones basically free. The bill more than makes up for it!! He has since got a go smart phone which works well everywhere is 45.00 for unlimited everything. You live and learn I guess. When this contract is up, we will do away with Tmobile and just have the Go Smart phones. Supposedly they are the same thing as trac phones. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment!!
ReplyDeleteI totally appreciate your post, Kathy! Cell phone charges are crazy! I have 4 kids that need cell phones an it "ain't cheap!"
ReplyDeleteTake care!
I've found that husbands and wives will always have differing opinions on what the priorities are...I'd say you pretty much have it all figured out too. Cellphones have been a issue for my husband and I for years. We spent close to $1k a year on the service for two phones and the truth was that we rarely use them. So we switched to a pay as you go phone using Verizon and now we spend about $100/year each. The service/coverage is still the same and what little minutes we have left over at the end of the year rolls over to the next.
ReplyDeleteAt least you know your priorities, however--I'd say remember that if you don't take care of you--you can't take care of the kids. It is a hard lesson to learn if you have to learn it the hard way!! So Take Care of YOU> Jenn
ReplyDeleteBefore the economy took a downward spiral, most people didn't have to make these tough choices. It's not right! Excuse me for getting political, but the Occupiers of Wall Street have a strong message that needs to be heard.
ReplyDeleteGeneral Electric made $14.2 billion in profits in 2010, but paid NO taxes because the bulk of those profits, some $9 billion, were offshore. In fact, GE got a $3.2 billion tax benefit.(ABC News) Multiple economists have said that the way out of this mess is to stimulate jobs while taxing the rich. However, the Republican Congress refuses to do anything to fix the problem because they have been bought out by the wealthy and cater to their whims. Furthermore, they have been purposely blocking Obama's stimulus package because they want him to look bad so they can vote him out of office.
Anyway you look at it, this is TREASON, and you and the rest of the 99% must decide whether to have cell phones or internet.
Please remember this when you vote!
Beachlover, at least there is someone out there that thinks I am doing something right! Thank you!! I will keep this comment on the back burner for the next time my husband wants to blame me for the state of things. I will friend Linda thinks I am right on track and A-OK so up yours!! LOLOLOLOL Thank you for stopping by to read and for your kind comments!!!
ReplyDeleteSusan, that is eventually the route we are going to go too. We use our cell phones like a lifeline between us. We talk, text, and send pictures back and forth constantly. It makes the time away from each other half bearable. Thank you for stopping in to read and for your helpful comments. When our contract is we are so done with Tmobile!
ReplyDeleteJenn, you are so right!! Thank you for stopping by to read and comment!!
ReplyDeleteJoyce, you are welcome to get up on your soap box because everything you say is so true. The only thing I could amend about what you say is that we have to make the choice between having a place to live and eating or internet and cell phone, which I may add also bundles together our cable tv and land line phone. So when you are placed in the position of feeding your kids and keeping a roof over your head or being able to update your website whenever you want and read everyone else's wonderful blogs and tweeting, you have to give up the passion for survival. It sucks but is a fact of life. Thank you for stopping by to read my post and comment!!!