It wasn’t that long ago when all the leaves were on the trees threatening to hang on indefinitely. I saw simply no point in firing up the old leaf blower until most of the leaves were down. I mean really, why clean up the whole yard only to wake up the next day and discover it carpeted with even more orange, gold, and red leaves?? By last weekend, I truly was to the point where I wondered when and if the leaves would ever find there way to the ground!! The few leaves that had the misfortune of being on the ground were chopped to smithereens by the lawn tractor. What were they waiting for?? Holy hell, it is November! We have had snow by now in past years!
As if reading my mind, Mother Nature decided to join hands with Father Time and get off the pot. When the alarm clock sounded this morning, I awoke to pitch blackness wondering if there could be a mistake. A quick glance at the alarm clock confirmed that it was indeed 7:30 in the morning and time to get my little darlings ready for school. I trudged out to the garage to let the dogs out and was shocked to discover the wind howling and the rain pi$$ing down in sheets when I flung open the back door. Both dogs looked at me as if I had lost the better share of my mind. I can’t say I blame them. I had to pee too, and I sure as hell wouldn’t have wanted to venture out in a virtual monsoon and lift my leg on a tree either. I forced them out long enough to do the deed and rush right back inside. It wasn’t long before I received a text message for a wind advisory from my favorite local news station. It sure looked like a good day to batten down the hatches and stay inside!

I have to admit, I am not quite as over zealous as the elderly neighbor who braved the high winds with a leaf blower today determined to make his yard picture perfect. The day is coming soon when I will arm my leaf blower and attack the leaves like a modern day ghost buster. I will have the mother of a bon fire and make way for the snow that is sure to come. It will be a peaceful day when the wind has dulled to a mere breeze and no rain is on the horizon. At this late stage, I will have to strike soon and get her done! Until next time when I give you another glimpse into the life of a trucker’s wife.
Yuck Fall! It's obvious from your posts that you enjoy this time of year, so let me just say that your love shows in your writing. Good job, Kathy. :)
ReplyDeleteWe had that wind today too, with the pewter skies and spitting rain. When the wind blows like that I'm glad I gained weight--well, almost. : - )
ReplyDeleteI love raking leaves, shoveling snow, and ironing. Yeah, I'm that weirdo.
ReplyDeleteJo, I love all the seasons. I enjoy different facets of all of them. I love the colors of the fall leaves and the smell of them burning. I always loved raking them up with my mom. Last year my husband got me a leaf blower so I wouldn't have to work so hard, and I have to say I love my little leaf blower! I am so pleased you enjoyed my post and took the time to read it. Thank you for your kind comments!
ReplyDeleteAngela, I notice as I get older the cold affects me more than I used to. Since I had my babies I have quite a bit more padding than I used to have when I was younger. Still the best thing for it is to bundle up when outside or stay in. Thanks for stopping in to read and comment!
ReplyDeleteWord Nerd, I love to rake leaves too. I learned how to use the snow blower last year...and the ironing...well my Grandma used to love it. I only do it when I absolutely have to. :P Thanks to my husband, he has made sure I have leaf and snow blowers to make life a little easier. Thank you for stopping in to read and comment!
ReplyDeleteI like jumping in the leaves, and I like telling my husband they need to be blown (hee hee), but I'm not really a leaf person myself. We're not doing much with leaves this year, since the freak snow storm last week. I think we're letting our yard go back to nature. Oh well! Great post.
ReplyDeleteJennifer, like the trooper I am, I went out and blew some leaves to get a start on it. Then I got to pooped to pop, so I went into the house to regroup. The next thing I knew it was snowing!! I had been waiting around for all the leaves to come down before I went about cleaning any up...and the snow beat me to it! Oh well, I love snow too! LOL I am so pleased you enjoyed my post! Thank you for stopping in to read and for your kind comments!
ReplyDeleteI do love the changing seasons and enjoy reading about your experiences. Fortunately, we don't have leaves to rake in our yard. The neighbors have the trees but we only have a row of pine trees at the far end of our lot. Then, our neighbors shovel snow from our little bit of driveway to pay for letting them park a car in our offstreet parking pad. So, you see I don't have a lot to deal with except the trimming and raking the grass in the summer. I also tend to flowers in containers at the front of the house.
ReplyDeleteHope you don't have too much snow in Indiana this winter. But, think you'll have much more than us. Thanks for your post.
Betty, I am with you! I love the seasons. You are lucky, still I wouldn't trade all our trees for anything. We lived at a place for 11 years before we moved here with no trees at all. There were no leaves to rake, no shade in the branches to pick up after a storm...but I have to say, I like the trees. Since I learned how to run the snow blower last year...I am ready. Bring on the snow! LOL My husband even bought me an extra warm hat to wear when I am a$$ deep in the white stuff. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment. I am so pleased you enjoyed reading it!!
ReplyDeleteI love fall especially when the leaves dance in the streets in circles. It is so magical... great post.
ReplyDeleteLaura, me too!! The wind has been so fierce lately what with wind advisory's issued about every day. :P Thank you for stopping in to read and comment! I am so pleased you enjoyed it!!