Am I superstitious?? Well, maybe just a little. I have heard several wives tales over the years that I take to heart and some I completely ignore. On the most part I believe it is a bunch of horse $hit, but at the same time refuse to pi$$ off the powers that be by completely ignoring them.
For example, when a bird flew into the window and my great uncle dropped dead at pretty much the same moment, I jumped on the band wagon with my grandma and was officially freaked out. It was a sign!!! I have always heard about the possibility of 7 years of bad luck if you happen to break a mirror. So I make a point to be extra careful with mirrors. You can also bet that anytime I see money on the street, whether it be a penny or a quarter, I pick that baby up. I don’t really believe that the coin will bring me good luck, but hell at least I am a little richer than I was a moment before. Besides I will take all the help I can get!!
When I was a kid I jumped over the cracks to ensure that I wouldn’t break my mother’s back. I was terrified that one was true. After a while, I quit avoiding the cracks. I would hate to think that is why my mother later was diagnosed with multiple myeloma which eventually took her life. She suffered greatly with the disease and her bones would fracture simply from a bout of vomiting or a stretch of leaf raking.
While most superstitious talk is probably a load of hogwash, one can never be to careful. I still wish upon stars and while blowing out candles. On Friday the 13th, I go about my business with a little more caution than I normally would and may say a special prayer. If you have the time to look into it, there are superstitions and wives tales about just about everything! A person could make themselves certifiably nuts to the point the men in the white coats are itching to take you away to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time. I tend to take most superstitions with a grain of salt.
In the end, I only carry one form of good luck charm with me at all times. It is a small card which has served me well. On it there is a picture of Je$u$ with his arms open wide which states “How much do you love me? I asked Je$u$, and Je$u$ said, This much…, Then he spread his arms and died for me.” With faith, hope, and trust, and a little pixie dust, Peter Pan could fly! So with a heart willed with faith, who needs a good luck charm? Until next time when I give you another glimpse into the life of a trucker’s wife.
LOL! I think everyone is a little superstitious if they'll just admit it. To this day, I step over cracks, tho my mother has been dead for a couple of years. Not worried by black cats or ladders, but if I pay way too much attention to dreams (especially bad ones), and just bad feelings in general.
ReplyDeleteAngela, I agree with you completely!! Thank you for stopping in to read and comment!!
ReplyDeleteHey, I'm a firm beliver in Murphy's law! -Kelly
ReplyDeleteGene Pool Diva, me too!! Murphy's Law is always biting me in the butt. LOL Thanks for stopping by to read and comment!
ReplyDeleteI always say I don't have a superstitious bone in my body, yet, I don't walk under ladders either! Like you, that's just being safe. lol
ReplyDeleteReally good write and nothing here to argue about!
Funnily enough, The Husband and I were just talking about superstitions the other day. We came to the conclusion that a lot of them were based on practicality. For example, the "don't walk under a ladder" thing was probably started by someone who got knocked off a ladder by a passerby. But it is fun to think about...
ReplyDeleteI gave you 2 kudos - one funny and one cool!
ReplyDeleteI'm not superstitious either. It cracks me up to see Rachel Ray toss salt over her shoulder every time she uses it. I cringe because I imagine her kitchen floor must get really tacky in high humidity! LOL
Jo, a lot of that is just common sense and being safe. Thanks for stopping in to read and comment. I am so pleased you enjoyed it!!
ReplyDeleteThe Host, you guys are right! It is a fun subject to explore!! Thanks for stopping in to read and comment! I am so pleased you enjoyed reading and was able to get a great discussion with you husband out of it!! :D
ReplyDeleteDarlene, thank you I will take those kudos gladly!! I am so pleased you stopped by to read my post and that you enjoyed it!! That is hilarious about Rachel Ray's kitchen floor. LOLOLOLOLOL
ReplyDeleteI think everyone has a bit of superstition going on--whether it is a well known one or not. Great post.
ReplyDeleteJenn, I completely agree! It would be hard not to! Thank you for stopping by to read and for your kind comments!