Which are better, blog readers or blogcomments?? Which would I rather have more of? A great question posted today as a writing prompt from the folks at NaBloPoMo. I had to really think about this one.
A while back a friend of mine was complaining about a post that she had written that hadn’t received any comments yet. Never mind the fact the post had only been up a couple hours. The fact of the matter is that she was addicted to comments and was certain comments equaled success. I have to admit I love comments as much as any writer. They are like a Christmas present you simply can’t wait to open. I personally love the interaction. It is proof positive that someone has actually been to my site and read my words. In that light comments are great. They instantly turn a blog from a one sided monologue into a conversation. They let you know whether you are on track and doing OK with what you wrote. They let you know without a shadow of a doubt that people like and appreciate your effort. On a rare occasion, they can even let you know that someone thought you were off your nut and your writing sucks. I have never actually had any comments like that, but I have had some that were kind of rude. Hello!! That is what the old “delete forever” button is for!!
On the other hand, I have come across a lot of people that have told me, yes, not only have they visited my website but they visit often and enjoy what I write. I would have never known if they hadn’t told me because they didn’t feel comfortable leaving a comment. That little piece of information made me realize that although comments stroke the old ego and go a long way in reassurance, in the long run I would rather have more readers. There is nothing more flattering than having someone come up and say "Hey, I read your blog all the time! It is funny as hell, and you rock! I just don't do comments!" It is cool with me if they visit and don’t want to comment. Unless folks are avid bloggers and writing types themselves, they just don’t tend to leave comments. The bottom line is that it doesn’t mean they haven’t been there, it just means they didn’t want to comment.
Realizing that folks stop by my site, read, and enjoy what they find here but choose not to comment was a real eye opener. I appreciate those folks time as much as the folks that are provoked enough by what I write to put their thoughts into a comment and let me know what they think. I know there are a lot more readers out there that don’t comment than those that actually do…so in answer to today’s question…as much as I will continue to love my comments, I would rather have more readers. More readers equal the possibility of more comments so the two kind of even themselves out. If you would like to put in your two cents, feel free! I will appreciate it and answer every single one. If you aren’t big on commenting but just want to stalk me, read my words, and rock along to the tunes I post, I welcome you. I am blessed by your presence either way until next time when I give you another glimpse into the life of a trucker’s wife.
Having a dialog with the readers in the form of conversation can increase readership. (And, if I'm writing fiction, I definitely prefer comments to "likes" or reblogs though I like any kind of feedback, generally.)
Rena, I love having a dialogue with my readers. The conversation aspect really appeals to me. Thank you for stopping by to read and for your comments!!
Nice post, Kathy! It just occured to me that when I reply to someone who has commented on my blog, do they ever really read my reply? I was just thinking that maybe I should just reply to their notification of reply that I get through e-mail. What do you think, Kathy? (I will check back on this blog for your reply). :)
Beachlover, I have had some people come back and reply to my replies before although that is usually the exception instead of the rule. I always answer those too. I always get an email telling me when folks comment, then I follow the link in the email and reply. That is a good question really, and now that you mention it I kind of wonder too. When I comment at other people's blogs there is always an option to subscribe by email. I have never done this and am not sure what happens if you do. I think that perhaps if someone replies, you get an email telling you someone has added to the conversation. Once again I am not totally sure about it. I personally read all the comments and the replies when I go to someones blog to read and comment. Then I add my own. It adds to the blog. A lot of the time I will even take the blog a step further in the comments, but that is because I talk to much- or write to much. LOLOLOLOL I usually rely on the email notification to let me know, but sometimes I will jump on my site and see that there is a comment I haven't attended to yet and then I will take care of it. I hope this helps. I am so glad you enjoyed this post. It was kind of a challenging topic to write about for me, but I managed. Thank you for stopping by to read and for your comments! :D
Linda, I like your idea. I don't have a lot of time to read blogs; I read them when I can, and I try to leave a comment, but very often I don't have time to return to the blog post to see if the blogger commented on my comment (g). By that time they often have another post up which I want to read! (Yes, I get very behind, unfortunately.) So I think it's nice when the blogger replies but I don't always see it. But if he or she replies to the notification email, I would see that. Come to think of it, I should start doing that, because I know I've been remiss in replying to comments on my blog, even though I do appreciate them. So I apologize to any commenters I haven't replied to and hope you know that any and all comments are very appreciated!
ElaineLK, it is hard to find time to read, comment, and write plus have a life besides. I appreciate you stopping back by to continue the conversation and shed some light on how things work.
I agree that I love having readers and I also adore the comments. A simple, "I was here. Joe Schmoe" works for me. Without comments, I know how many page visits were made, just by whom. It is good either way and the worse thing, for me, a handful of page views and a comment like, "Thanks for visiting my blog." With nothing else, that tells me, it was a BAD writing job, BAD subject, or I have over posted. I do find page views drop if I post too often. Gotta let them miss me, I guess! ♥ I will be reading and mostly commenting on everything you write, unless I miss one cuz I just love that giggling truckers wife!
Jo, I don't think anything you write is bad...so I don't think if someone leaves you a comment saying "thanks for visiting my blog" they are saying you did a bad writing job. I think it simply means they rushed through your blog, didn't even read it and are only making a token visit to thank you for visiting their blog. Kind of rude, but in their minds they probably think they are politely returning the favor. If you can't leave a real comment that is relevant to what is said and positive, then you probably shouldn't leave one at all. At least those are the standards I go by. I try to leave good comments for the folks I visit. I don't think you can over post, but ideally a post or two a day is good. It shouldn't really matter. People come for the content and to read. Anybody who is keeping score on how many posts you wrote today has entirely to much time on their hands. Thanks for stopping by to read and for your comments. You are one of my favorite people and I am always happy to see you Jo!! You make me smile..so thank you!
I have more readers than comments. I make a point to reply to ever commenter on my blog and then return the gracious kindness by going to their blog and commenting. Sometime this process takes me days, but I get there eventually. NOT ALL people do this. I have left comments on other sites but have never seen or heard back from the blogger - if this happens and it does all the time, I will not go back to that bloggers site. I don't have the extra time. I used to worry about it, now, not at all. Some content appeals to one audience and not the other..
Brenda, pretty sure I have more readers too. I respond to every comment, plus I try really hard to visit other people's blogs and leave comments. I had my internet for a couple of months around Christmas so while I went to the library to post blogs, I didn't have time in an hour to comment on everybody's stuff. I felt really bad for this at the time, but wanted to keep writing and blogging through the rough patch. Time is a precious commodity for sure. I certainly appreciate the time you took to stop by here and value your comments and opinions. Thanks for stopping by!!
yea, kathy... more readers is good. commenting, like you said, reminds us that there is interaction with our site, and a feel good tool.... i will take both.... (although, i am not sure how people grasp tons of readers, while others just a few - and i think that many follow, but may not read that site too often... ??)
Danneromero, we all want more readers and more comments. When you get down to brass tacks they both make us feel pretty good about ourselves. Thank you for stopping in to read and for your comments!
This is and interesting question. I know for a fact I have several friends and family who read but do not leave comments. I'm okay with that because like you I would rather have more people read what I write. I do lovvvvve those comments though. I agree that only the writer type people tend to comment. Those email notifications you were discussing with Beachlover - I think those come through Blogger and if you responded I don't think the person who wrote the comment would receive it.
KAT, you are probably right about the responses. I just didn't know. It is a mystery like what happens after death. LOL. Like you I love my comments. A person can live with fewer readers and more comments, but I guess if I am honest I would like the whole enchilada. Readers = comments, and I sure do appreciate yours! Thank you for stopping by to read and comment!!
I love both. It is always nice to run into someone and they say that they have been reading often, especially when I didn't know they even knew of the site. Comments are great because then, not only do you know people are reading, but they give feedback about the post.
I love love love comments as much as the next person, but on the other hand I'm also guilty of not commenting sometimes. I not always know what to say, but I DO always read. :D (p.s. see you at nowhere, soon! :))
Remy, afraid I have to join you in that comment love fest!! Folks get busy and life steps in, then we get back to blogging and commenting. It is the way of it! Thanks for stopping by to read and comment!!
It's a hard question to answer. I didn't even bother trying! I find it an odd experience to write and get no feedback. I really want to know what things people enjoy reading or don't enjoy so that I can change the direction of my writing or improve on it, but I like what you said about the people who comment in person that they've read your blog. That happens to me and it is a real treat.
Eliselorraine.com, I am completely with you on that one. When I first started blogging online back in 2009 it took 5 whole months before I ever seen a comment. It was very discouraging. I figured the only people that ever read what I wrote was my husband and kids because I forced them to. LOL Then finally I got one, and they began trickling in. By the time I designed this site in August 2011, I already had built a little following. Comments of any shape and color are always a treat because they prove that people are reading. Thank you for stopping by to read and for your comments.
I think there are many who will say they blog for themselves and that they're happy if people read it but that the comments aren't what motivates them. And while that may be true, there's nothing like feedback. I love to hear from people in town who read my blog, which can be found via a link through our local newspaper. I'm often surprised to find out about someone new who's a casual fan. I always think (in the back of my head), you should post a comment!
Joanne, I can honestly say that comments do motivate me. When I get in the dumps and think I can't write, and what I write isn't good, there is nothing like a comment to lift me back up again and give me purpose. I have had people come right out and tell me that they don't feel comfortable posting comments but they read. I am just honored they choose to come to my site. That is awesome for me. Stats and comments drive me. I would be lying to say they didn't. I have also noticed though that as time passes, I have the writing itch that needs to be scratched. Since my husband is on the road a lot, I long for the interaction. Sure my kids are here, but they are kids. I pretty much stay home unless I absolutely HAVE to go somewhere. Why waste the gas?? It costs to much to just drive around without a destination. So here I am. When they go to school, I am on my own to write, or do whatever I want. Thank you for stopping by to read and for your comments!! I really appreciate your feedback!
Kathy, I will say that as a blogger, I love comments. They help me know I'm not just talking to myself. (Not that there's anything wrong with that!) They help me know when a particular post has hit the mark for people, even if they don't agree with me, because my goal is not just to have people read and move on, but really laugh, weep, or even gnash their teeth and think bad names at me.
I also (usually) love reading the comments left on other sites, too, BUT... although I love your blog and writing, I skim your comments section and never come back to read the replies, primarily because the font you've chosen for comments is so friggin' hard to read for me. Maybe I'm the only one who has trouble, but you might want to consider switching it to something cleaner.
Beverly, thanks for the tip. I will see if there is a typeface that would work better. Thank you for stopping in to read and for your comments. I will see if I can remedy that situation. :D
Thanks, Kathy for the response! I enjoy commenting on other people's blogs, but I don't think I'm going to respond the the comments made by others on my own blog. Instead, I've begun replying to their comments through the e-mail notification. :)
Beachlover, you will have to let me know how that goes and works out! I have never tried that before!! Thanks for stopping in to continue the conversation!
I read every post you write Miss Kathy and I attempt to comment each and every time. Occasionally the phone will ring or "Rainman" will want to be fed and I be thrown totally off my bloggee train but I'm usually pretty faithful and as much as I call myself the attention whore - and I am - I do know that I have more readers than followers and/or comments and I'm okay with that because a lot of time I just write so that my head doesn't explode!
Magical Mystical Mimi, aren't you the sweetest thing! Thank you for taking time out of your busy life to read my words and comment!! Always happy to see you when you drop by and I love reading what you write too. You have a gift. :D
I blog because I have ideas itching inside my fingertips, desperate to be typed out! If I get a comment or two that is not just my Mom, that is fantastically wonderful. If not, I am still pleased with what I wrote and at the end of the day, that is what matters to most to me!
Having a dialog with the readers in the form of conversation can increase readership. (And, if I'm writing fiction, I definitely prefer comments to "likes" or reblogs though I like any kind of feedback, generally.)
ReplyDeleteRena, I love having a dialogue with my readers. The conversation aspect really appeals to me. Thank you for stopping by to read and for your comments!!
DeleteNice post, Kathy! It just occured to me that when I reply to someone who has commented on my blog, do they ever really read my reply? I was just thinking that maybe I should just reply to their notification of reply that I get through e-mail. What do you think, Kathy? (I will check back on this blog for your reply). :)
ReplyDeleteBeachlover, I have had some people come back and reply to my replies before although that is usually the exception instead of the rule. I always answer those too. I always get an email telling me when folks comment, then I follow the link in the email and reply. That is a good question really, and now that you mention it I kind of wonder too. When I comment at other people's blogs there is always an option to subscribe by email. I have never done this and am not sure what happens if you do. I think that perhaps if someone replies, you get an email telling you someone has added to the conversation. Once again I am not totally sure about it. I personally read all the comments and the replies when I go to someones blog to read and comment. Then I add my own. It adds to the blog. A lot of the time I will even take the blog a step further in the comments, but that is because I talk to much- or write to much. LOLOLOLOL I usually rely on the email notification to let me know, but sometimes I will jump on my site and see that there is a comment I haven't attended to yet and then I will take care of it. I hope this helps. I am so glad you enjoyed this post. It was kind of a challenging topic to write about for me, but I managed. Thank you for stopping by to read and for your comments! :D
DeleteLinda, I like your idea. I don't have a lot of time to read blogs; I read them when I can, and I try to leave a comment, but very often I don't have time to return to the blog post to see if the blogger commented on my comment (g). By that time they often have another post up which I want to read! (Yes, I get very behind, unfortunately.) So I think it's nice when the blogger replies but I don't always see it. But if he or she replies to the notification email, I would see that. Come to think of it, I should start doing that, because I know I've been remiss in replying to comments on my blog, even though I do appreciate them. So I apologize to any commenters I haven't replied to and hope you know that any and all comments are very appreciated!
DeleteElaineLK, it is hard to find time to read, comment, and write plus have a life besides. I appreciate you stopping back by to continue the conversation and shed some light on how things work.
DeleteI agree that I love having readers and I also adore the comments. A simple, "I was here. Joe Schmoe" works for me. Without comments, I know how many page visits were made, just by whom. It is good either way and the worse thing, for me, a handful of page views and a comment like, "Thanks for visiting my blog." With nothing else, that tells me, it was a BAD writing job, BAD subject, or I have over posted. I do find page views drop if I post too often.
ReplyDeleteGotta let them miss me, I guess! ♥
I will be reading and mostly commenting on everything you write, unless I miss one cuz I just love that giggling truckers wife!
Jo, I don't think anything you write is bad...so I don't think if someone leaves you a comment saying "thanks for visiting my blog" they are saying you did a bad writing job. I think it simply means they rushed through your blog, didn't even read it and are only making a token visit to thank you for visiting their blog. Kind of rude, but in their minds they probably think they are politely returning the favor. If you can't leave a real comment that is relevant to what is said and positive, then you probably shouldn't leave one at all. At least those are the standards I go by. I try to leave good comments for the folks I visit. I don't think you can over post, but ideally a post or two a day is good. It shouldn't really matter. People come for the content and to read. Anybody who is keeping score on how many posts you wrote today has entirely to much time on their hands. Thanks for stopping by to read and for your comments. You are one of my favorite people and I am always happy to see you Jo!! You make me smile..so thank you!
DeleteI have more readers than comments. I make a point to reply to ever commenter on my blog and then return the gracious kindness by going to their blog and commenting. Sometime this process takes me days, but I get there eventually. NOT ALL people do this. I have left comments on other sites but have never seen or heard back from the blogger - if this happens and it does all the time, I will not go back to that bloggers site. I don't have the extra time. I used to worry about it, now, not at all. Some content appeals to one audience and not the other..
ReplyDeleteBrenda, pretty sure I have more readers too. I respond to every comment, plus I try really hard to visit other people's blogs and leave comments. I had my internet for a couple of months around Christmas so while I went to the library to post blogs, I didn't have time in an hour to comment on everybody's stuff. I felt really bad for this at the time, but wanted to keep writing and blogging through the rough patch. Time is a precious commodity for sure. I certainly appreciate the time you took to stop by here and value your comments and opinions. Thanks for stopping by!!
Deleteyea, kathy... more readers is good. commenting, like you said, reminds us that there is interaction with our site, and a feel good tool.... i will take both.... (although, i am not sure how people grasp tons of readers, while others just a few - and i think that many follow, but may not read that site too often... ??)
ReplyDeletegreat prompt, to put one's mind thinking...
Danneromero, we all want more readers and more comments. When you get down to brass tacks they both make us feel pretty good about ourselves. Thank you for stopping in to read and for your comments!
DeleteThis is and interesting question. I know for a fact I have several friends and family who read but do not leave comments. I'm okay with that because like you I would rather have more people read what I write. I do lovvvvve those comments though. I agree that only the writer type people tend to comment. Those email notifications you were discussing with Beachlover - I think those come through Blogger and if you responded I don't think the person who wrote the comment would receive it.
ReplyDeleteKAT, you are probably right about the responses. I just didn't know. It is a mystery like what happens after death. LOL. Like you I love my comments. A person can live with fewer readers and more comments, but I guess if I am honest I would like the whole enchilada. Readers = comments, and I sure do appreciate yours! Thank you for stopping by to read and comment!!
DeleteI love both. It is always nice to run into someone and they say that they have been reading often, especially when I didn't know they even knew of the site. Comments are great because then, not only do you know people are reading, but they give feedback about the post.
ReplyDeletea eye, my sentiments exactly! Thank you for stopping in to read and share your thoughts!!
DeleteI love love love comments as much as the next person, but on the other hand I'm also guilty of not commenting sometimes. I not always know what to say, but I DO always read. :D (p.s. see you at nowhere, soon! :))
ReplyDeleteRemy / Cinnamon Bubbles
Remy, afraid I have to join you in that comment love fest!! Folks get busy and life steps in, then we get back to blogging and commenting. It is the way of it! Thanks for stopping by to read and comment!!
DeleteIt's a hard question to answer. I didn't even bother trying! I find it an odd experience to write and get no feedback. I really want to know what things people enjoy reading or don't enjoy so that I can change the direction of my writing or improve on it, but I like what you said about the people who comment in person that they've read your blog. That happens to me and it is a real treat.
ReplyDeleteEliselorraine.com, I am completely with you on that one. When I first started blogging online back in 2009 it took 5 whole months before I ever seen a comment. It was very discouraging. I figured the only people that ever read what I wrote was my husband and kids because I forced them to. LOL Then finally I got one, and they began trickling in. By the time I designed this site in August 2011, I already had built a little following. Comments of any shape and color are always a treat because they prove that people are reading. Thank you for stopping by to read and for your comments.
DeleteI think there are many who will say they blog for themselves and that they're happy if people read it but that the comments aren't what motivates them. And while that may be true, there's nothing like feedback.
ReplyDeleteI love to hear from people in town who read my blog, which can be found via a link through our local newspaper. I'm often surprised to find out about someone new who's a casual fan. I always think (in the back of my head), you should post a comment!
Joanne, I can honestly say that comments do motivate me. When I get in the dumps and think I can't write, and what I write isn't good, there is nothing like a comment to lift me back up again and give me purpose. I have had people come right out and tell me that they don't feel comfortable posting comments but they read. I am just honored they choose to come to my site. That is awesome for me. Stats and comments drive me. I would be lying to say they didn't. I have also noticed though that as time passes, I have the writing itch that needs to be scratched. Since my husband is on the road a lot, I long for the interaction. Sure my kids are here, but they are kids. I pretty much stay home unless I absolutely HAVE to go somewhere. Why waste the gas?? It costs to much to just drive around without a destination. So here I am. When they go to school, I am on my own to write, or do whatever I want. Thank you for stopping by to read and for your comments!! I really appreciate your feedback!
DeleteKathy, I will say that as a blogger, I love comments. They help me know I'm not just talking to myself. (Not that there's anything wrong with that!) They help me know when a particular post has hit the mark for people, even if they don't agree with me, because my goal is not just to have people read and move on, but really laugh, weep, or even gnash their teeth and think bad names at me.
ReplyDeleteI also (usually) love reading the comments left on other sites, too, BUT... although I love your blog and writing, I skim your comments section and never come back to read the replies, primarily because the font you've chosen for comments is so friggin' hard to read for me. Maybe I'm the only one who has trouble, but you might want to consider switching it to something cleaner.
Beverly, thanks for the tip. I will see if there is a typeface that would work better. Thank you for stopping in to read and for your comments. I will see if I can remedy that situation. :D
DeleteThanks, Kathy for the response! I enjoy commenting on other people's blogs, but I don't think I'm going to respond the the comments made by others on my own blog. Instead, I've begun replying to their comments through the e-mail notification. :)
ReplyDeleteBeachlover, you will have to let me know how that goes and works out! I have never tried that before!! Thanks for stopping in to continue the conversation!
DeleteI read every post you write Miss Kathy and I attempt to comment each and every time. Occasionally the phone will ring or "Rainman" will want to be fed and I be thrown totally off my bloggee train but I'm usually pretty faithful and as much as I call myself the attention whore - and I am - I do know that I have more readers than followers and/or comments and I'm okay with that because a lot of time I just write so that my head doesn't explode!
ReplyDeleteMagical Mystical Mimi, aren't you the sweetest thing! Thank you for taking time out of your busy life to read my words and comment!! Always happy to see you when you drop by and I love reading what you write too. You have a gift. :D
DeleteI blog because I have ideas itching inside my fingertips, desperate to be typed out! If I get a comment or two that is not just my Mom, that is fantastically wonderful. If not, I am still pleased with what I wrote and at the end of the day, that is what matters to most to me!
ReplyDeleteMichelle, love that you are scratching that itch!! LOL Comments are a bonus! Thanks for stopping by to read and for your comments!