I was cruising in my Camaro, radio blaring
at top volume and enjoying life when the SUV crossed over into my lane. In a split second I knew there was absolutely
nowhere to go and no time to get there. It happened so fast, an earth shattering crash…then
a state of nothingness. The music died
with my pride and joy, now a twisted bit of metal surrounded by a million
shards of glass, unrecognizable. The SUV
was gone having ricocheted against the cliff, broke through the guard rail, and
plummeted over the side of the mountain.
Up ahead I saw a sign posted on a brick
wall I hadn’t noticed before. Confused,
I glanced around and back, hurried toward it, certain I could use a phone there
to call for help. An old guy was standing against the wall,
“Sir, I was
involved in the accident. Do you have a
phone I could use to call for help?” He
stood alone under a sign that read “Angel Yard”.
“Jon, you
are past help. Why bother to ask for
help now?” he inquired peering deeply into my eyes.
Taken aback,
I tried a different tack. “I don’t
believe we have met. How do you know my
“I know
“Okay….” I looked back at the wreckage and the realization
hit me like a ton of bricks. “Am I dead?” I asked with a tinge of panic.
He smiled at
me. “Depends how you look at it. If you believe you belong here with your
whole heart, chances are you do.
Otherwise, if you don’t believe then you belong in the other place and
by all that is good and holy you will wish you were dead long before they are
through with you. Either way, you pay
your money and you takes your choice.”
“Money… now I am confused!” I looked back at the wreckage. I panicked again and things got real. Other motorists had stopped to gawk. The police had arrived, and an ambulance’s
siren could be heard in the distance.
Transfixed, I watched an officer leaning into what was left of my
Camaro. He pronounced me dead. Dead!
The word slammed around in my brain as I struggled to understand.
“The money you pay is the forgiveness
you request for your sins, the belief you have that you will be forgiven and
will be granted everlasting life regardless of all that has come before. You have to feel remorse so your soul can be sanitized
before you proceed. Otherwise, the money
you pay buys you a one way ticket to hell for eternity. Normally the decision is made before folks
get to this point, but often there are exceptions, people who have doubts. Question is, do you believe or do you doubt? It’s your choice. ”
My mind quickly replayed my life, good
and bad. We exchanged smiles, because instantly he
knew I did believe. He nodded and I proceeded
down Angel Road to my destiny.