He scoured the beach for the treasure that would wash up on shore with the tide. He was never quite sure what he was searching for, but in the deepest depths of his heart he felt empty and knew he had never found it. Instead, he had a vast collection of colorful beach glass, fragments of seashells, and driftwood that he had collected over the years. Unfortunately, all the beach glass, shells, and driftwood in the world wouldn’t bring back his precious Beth. His guilt had ate at him ever since.

Unable to believe what his eyes told
him were true, he ran towards her, the device completely forgotten where he had
dropped it in the sand in his shock. Her
smile lit up the beach and warmed his heart.
He wrapped his arms around her and melted into her soft loveliness for
the first time in forever. It was like
coming home. Tears fogged his vision as
he took in the essence of her. The
fragrance she always wore enveloped him and filled his senses. Such joy filled his heart as he kissed her
and drank her in. There was so much he
wanted to say, so many questions he wanted answered. Still he couldn’t find the words. His ability to form coherent thought was lost
to him. He lifted her in the air and
twirled her around as he had always done, overwhelmed with the joy of finding
her once again. She had come back to