Last night I faced a meeting at my daughter’s school strictly for parents. The meeting was mandatory and the letter sent home specifically stated in bold print “No kids allowed!!” As soon as I seen the letter I was wondering why and trying to think up any possible excuse not to go. Unfortunately my daughter insisted that I had to go. It was scheduled to last a whole hour and be filled with a general meeting in the cafeteria starring the principal and then a meeting with my kids teacher in the classroom. Didn’t sound like my idea of “fun” and I sure was not looking forward to it at all.
I longed for the seasons of my life when I was one of the kids forbidden from attending. When did I grow up and become eligible for this crap?? With a feeling of foreboding I made my way to the school where other parents were already arriving.

I focused on the principal who soon began droning on about curriculum, extreme teams for reading, a new concept called “word work”, and the new grading policy. I felt instantly like I was back in school myself. Like kids, all the parents fidgeted as we listened, then waited in eager anticipation to be dismissed. I was hoping against hope I wouldn’t run into the mother of my daughter’s former best friend. Murphy’s Law must state that if you don’t want to run into someone, chances are you will find yourself face to face with the woman who puts the itch in bi-otch. If looks could kill, the daggers she zoomed my way would have equaled certain death. As it was, I laughed in her face and proceeded on my merry way.
I proceeded to my kid’s classroom and I proudly found it with little trouble. I waited in line to greet my daughter’s teacher and then was told to take a seat at my daughter’s desk. Are you kidding me?? All of a sudden I felt like the size of an elephant sitting on a thimble as I squeezed myself into the space between desks and perched on my daughter’s chair hoping to G0d and sunny Je$u$ that I wouldn’t break it. I can honestly say, I wasn’t the only one that looked a little uncomfortable with this arrangement.

As I drove home I was annoyed that the school couldn’t have simply typed something up with the information instead of subjecting us to this little “Parent’s Night”. There are many seasons in a person’s life. Unfortunately I have entered into the time of the season where both of my kids are in school and I am expected to tolerate “Parent’s Night”. If only they would have fed us or provided Tylenol for the killer headache we were doomed to get from such a meeting! Until next time when I give you another glimpse into the life of a trucker’s wife.
Thankfully, at my daughter's school, we were not asked to attempt to sit in their respective seats! Good heavens, I would have been mortified! Nice job, hope all goes well with this "educator" and your child.
ReplyDeleteThey still do that? I was a bad Mommy. I went to one "Parent's Night" and never went to another one. Like your experience, it was a big waste of time!
ReplyDeleteThis seems a very strange Parents' Night to me (as a former teacher in the UK). Ours consisted of the teacher talking to individual parents (during a 5 or 10 minute 'appointment' time) about their child's progress/atttiude etc. Invariably, the parents we saw were the ones we could honestly say that their kids were doing fine. Only rarely did we see the parents of the kids who had problems or were troublemakers. Go figure!
ReplyDeleteHomeschooling isn't 100 percent perfection, but this is one thing I don't miss-the parent/teacher meetings. So glad I don't have to go to them. Would talking to myself qualify? :-P
ReplyDeleteHumor after 5o, thank you for stopping by to read and comment!! I would have been more mortified if my big butt would have broke her chair. LOL The teacher has impressed both my daughter and I because she actually encourages the kids to ask questions until they understand. We will see how the year progresses.
ReplyDeleteDarlene, you can sure say that again!! It was a big waste of time. They would have been better served if they would have just typed up everything they wanted a person know and sent it home. I would have rather been home eating! LOL Thanks for stopping by to read and comment!!
ReplyDeleteTheresa, HA HA I think that is classic! You would probably have a better conversation with yourself!!! Thank you for stopping in to read and comment!
ReplyDeletePaula, actually your parent night sounds a lot like parent teacher conferences. I would just rather cut to the chase and skip these little so called "meetings" and get right to the parent teacher conference that is specifically about my kid. Thank you for stopping by to read and comment!!
ReplyDeleteUgh! I can so relate. There is nothing worse than being around a bunch of cackling hens as I put it. I never understood those people. LOL.
ReplyDeleteThis is so funny. I can so relate to this. Parent night is not fun...
My husband is so even keeled--nothing really ever rattles his cage. I think I've seen him visibly upset and angry only a handful of times in 17 years. One time was when a rotweiller attacked him, and dug his teeth into his neck--totally understandable. Another time was when some chick forgot to apply her breaks at a red light and heaved into the back end of our car at 65 miles and hour almost killing my son in the back seat. The third time was when he attended "Orientation" night this year.
ReplyDeleteHe had to go to K orientation and 3rd Grade orientation. Each supposed to last 45 minutes. He came home and said, "These teachers do not know how to shut up!!" I kind of chuckled but he was pissed. The first teacher went over her 45 minutes and at the hour mark had to get up and leave to go to the other orientation. She made it to page 2 of a 7 page Kindergarten sylabus.
The third grade teacher started at 7pm. She did not finish until 8:45pm!! My husband got up and left and the teacher was droning on about how she wasn't finished yet--and he just shot back, "No you're most definitely done talking to me." My husband now thinks all teachers are stuck on themselves and love to hear themselves talk and talk and talk.
Next year--it's my turn :(
So--I can totally understand where you are coming from.
Cheers, Jenn
Nothing like someone in love with the sound of their own voice, huh?!
ReplyDeleteSo glad my boy is out of school -- I never was a good joiner...
D, thank you so much for stopping by to read and comment!! LOL you are so right!!!! I am afraid I don't belong with that group either. LOL
ReplyDeleteLaura, boy you can say that again!! It wasn't fun, but it did provide something great to write about!! Now I will know what I am in for and be conveniently disposed elsewhere instead. Ha! Perhaps busy at home in front of the TV or making supper. LOLOL Thanks for stopping by to read and comment!!
ReplyDeleteJenn, thank you for stopping in to read and comment. LOL shame on you for sticking your husband with the horse $hit! LOLOLOLOL You will get yours next year. 7 page syllabus for kindergarten??? Holy crap!! Your son's head will be so jam packed with knowledge by the end of the year he'll have a headache!! I think it is hilarious that your husband got up and told her that she was done talking to him!! I would have loved to been a mouse. He could have become a modern day pied piper, because if I had been in the same classroom I would have got up and followed him on out. Might have just started a parade!!
ReplyDeletePearl, I am with you. I am not a joiner. I may have did my share of joining while I was in school, but once I graduated I got over that in a big hurry!! LOL I have no desire to be the head parent in charge, g0d forbid! Thank you for stopping by to read and comment!
ReplyDeleteWell, not sure what to say to this one. As a a teacher...think I will just stay silent. LOL I do agree that they are way to long and most of the time...the teacher really just wants to give you the information and go home. Most parents don't want to attend these so, the Administrations have made them mandatory. I believe that if the parents feel a need to meet the teacher, then they should set up a private appointment and go and see her/him when scheduled. I do however think that all parents should be required to attend parent teacher conferences. This is a crucial time when you can meet and discuss how well your child is doing etc. As far as the lengthy parent orientation....make it quick and let them go home or send a memo.
ReplyDeleteMary, thank you for stopping in to read and comment and give an educator's take on these parent nights! I agree with you that parent teacher conferences should be mandatory and that the orientation should be short and sweet. A weekly memo would be more appreciated in my book than requiring everyone to show up at the school to listen to lengthy speeches on their philosophies in general and how wonderful the school is, when according to the state they leave a lot to be desired. I felt as if I was being lectured and they were trying to convince me they would do a good job as a teacher, like we as parents had a choice as to who would educate our kids. We don't. They are it. This is where we live, end of story. With so many qualified teachers who seem to be out of work, the teachers who do have jobs would be better served if they put their energy in engaging and educating our kids instead of whining that they can't handle teaching everything that is expected. That doesn't impress me much. If they can't handle it, they need to get out of the classroom and give the teacher who wants to teach and needs the money the job. The school system should go back to worrying the parents with what they are most interested their kids are doing and quit wasting time banging on about the big picture. I will go, whether I like it or not like most parents, because I want the best for my kids.
ReplyDeleteI always enjoyed my kids' parents' nights because it gave me a chance to meet my child's teacher and visit with the parents we hadn't seen in awhile. I'm sorry it was boring. Hopefully the teacher will hold your daughter's attention this year.
Joyce, thank you for stopping by to read and comment. It sure isn't your fault attending functions such as this are not my cup of tea. As far as holding my daughter's attention, she really doesn't have a choice. She is stuck with this teacher for the year. She seems perfectly nice enough and she gets brownie points for encouraging the kids to continue to ask her questions until they understand. So far, so good. We will see how it goes. :D
ReplyDeleteI haave of those nights to go to Wednesday and worse - I'm having to do it solo. My wife has finally relaxed and said that I can do it and represent us both - I reckon she'll crack by the day and turn up though, she is already starting to shake a bit.
ReplyDeletepicked up my award on todays post too :-) thanks
Glen, thank you for stopping by to read and comment!! Due to the nature of my husband's job, I always get stuck with these tasks. I am sure your wife won't be able to stay away!! So glad you got your award!! I love your site Glen, and visit regularly for a laugh!! You are very welcome!